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The moon and I are dance partners. Together we spin and leap away across the night, doing the tarantella upon the heads of our enemies and waltzing past the gates of Hell. The silver bells tied to our clothes summon beautiful demons that chase our ankles in wild circles.

The stars and I form a choir. We cloak ourselves in glittering robes with sleeves that fall down to caress the adoring seas. We challenge the day birds with our funeral dirges and they hide in their nests, eavesdropping so as to mimic us come morning.

The sky is my second. Her sword is heavy and fast, and her shield cannot be pierced. As I slay the last of the sunlight, she follows close behind, ready to take up the good fight should I fall victim to the powers of light.

The night creatures are my heavenly host. Some nights we gambol through the sleepers, frolicking in the green memories we find there. Nightmares spring up where our feet crush the grass.

The darkness is my lover. Everywhere I go, he is there, touching me, covering me in kisses. His body curls around mine, hiding me from prying eyes in the crook of his cold embrace.

So come, friends. Here, in the Night, I am Queen. We shall feast on the sound of gun shots and terror, get high off suspicion and locked doors, and become drunk on the midnight hour.

Hang your hat on bloody knives and shake hands with the monsters under our beds. And, by God, we'll have a grand old time, by the light of our tipsy moon.

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