my mind palace - Willie's room

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I was in the middle of testing when I took a long-term visit into my mind palace. It's not often I take such deep dives in, usually I just come and go when I need a little break, but I finished my exam about twenty minutes early, so I had enough time to completely immerse myself.

I started in my lounge, as usual. I'd never ventured beyond the lounge, to be truthful. I never really saw a need to. However, that day I was bored.

I was going to try and set up my kitchen, but for whatever reason I couldn't get the dimensions right in my head (weird problem to have in a make-believe place, I know) so I gave up and went out of the lounge through the other door instead.

I found myself in a dimly lit corridor lined with doors, every door a different colour and style. It was very quiet in the hall, but not eerily so. It was just... peaceful. Finally.

After taking a moment to look at the doors, I chose one with an old-fashioned handle and peeked inside. What I saw, I couldn't altogether understand.

It was a fairly small, windowless room of standard square dimensions, but a garden seemed to be projected onto the walls, ceiling, and floors. It was odd, because the garden was there - I could touch, see, smell, hear it - but it was also quite clearly a room. I could see the corners in the sky and although the garden continued on, the wall kept me from exploring beyond the square space. I left quickly, dizzied by my inability to comprehend it.

Back in the hall, I leaned back against the door to catch my breath, but as I stood there a certain door, black with a standard round handle, caught my eye. I felt inexplicably drawn to it. I let myself trip across the hall and slip into the room behind the door. A familiar face waited on the other side.

This room was far bigger than the garden room, although I couldn't really perceive the space thanks to the entirety of it being a stark, pure white. Even the dyes of my own clothes, hair, and skin melted away inside this room. The only source of colour was the boy who sat on the bed at the far side of the room. I knew who it was immediately, from the scars on his arms, from the way his rumpled hair flopped over his half-closed eyes, from the way he was so absorbed with his ukelele playing that didn't even notice me standing there, from the way he was him.

Just like in real life, I was torn between not wanting to disturb him and being totally enchanted by him. For now, the second half won over and I lingered there in my corner, watching him from afar, watching the way his shoulders bent as he played, the way his lips twitched every now and then, the way his calloused fingers dragged across the strings, the way his lowered eyelashes contrasted with the skin of his cheek. But then, something even more magical happened.

I shouldn't have been surprised, really, that colours came from him to paint the room into existence, but when the first thin tendril of red stretched away from where his back touched the wall, a tiny gasp escaped me. He strummed another chord, and this time blue arced up to touch the ceiling. Yet another, and yellow danced out. It was beautiful. I watched in amazement for a little while longer as the room began to take shape, but when the song started to pick up in speed, I left. As I shut the door, a Do Not Disturb sign clattered softly against its surface. I didn't remove it.


Hi!! ^__^

So I just wanted to remind you of #askvirtues!! I'm always taking questions, so don't be shyyyyy ask away! :D

stay groovy


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