Chapter 1- Deja vu?

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The wind blew across the quiet country side, the grass swaying to the breeze. The sky was a beautiful forget-me-not blue. There was silence in the air except for the old wooden gate creaking noisily.

I sighed breathing in the sweet country air. I rocked dangerously on the wooden gate, chewing on my bottom lip. I brushed my brown hair back securing it behind my ear.


This is it, it really is. i'm leaving this forever. Is this really what i want? It not like i have a choice but still. Even if i go back, i doubt things will be the same, but Connor wants to go.

I looked at my home. A little house sitting in the middle of no where, repaired by my father himself. I loved that porch. I smiled remembering how proud my father was of the house. "It used to be nothing, until i fixed it up." My father's voiced echoed in her mind, making my chest constrict painfully. I shut my eyes, trying to push it away. I blew air through her lips, my eyes slowly opening.

You dealt with this for a year, you can do it now. My mind felt clearer as I pushed away everything connected to my family, as I always did. I quickly changed my gaze to something else. My gaze landed on the tree above me, the branches stretching up for miles and miles. I loved that tree. A smile played on my lips as i remembered the times when Sam and I climbed up the tree, thinking that we could see the whole world if we reached the top branch.

I rocked on the gate some more.

creeeeak. The gate strained under me. I blatantly ignored it. I patted the rotten wood as if to encourage it to stop creaking before wiped off the dampness on my old jeans.

'I need to oil this thing.' Trying to test it, I swung foward on the gate with all my might.

Creak. CREA-KABOOM! The wooden gate collapsed under me. I groaned, pain seeping into my back. I tried not to think so much of the pain.I tried to stand up but my legs didn't seem to work. I groaned, slamming my head back down on the grass. Ow. Not a good idea. Now my head hurt. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. Suck it up Chey.

I turned my gaze to the sky, ignoring how my head protested. The sky seemed to calm me.

I could do this forever. I felt the warmness of the grass seep into my skin, chasing away my pain, the cool air gently kissing my face.

My thoughts were cut short when I heard soft pads on the grass. I did not get up. 

A face came into view. It was a boy's. A boy I knew very well. In fact, i spend half my life with him.His eyes, normally bright and full of life were red and puffy, tear tracks visible. I could see he tried to hide it but it was too obvious to ignore. I immediately knew what was up. Wow.My secret is out of the bag then. I narrowed my eyes. Way to break the news gently Connor. I thought of my brother. You sure got him crying.

I sighed at him.

'You're leaving?' He cried out, not being able to hold it any longer. I didn't say anything, only extending my hand towards him. He pulled me up without question. His gaze temporarily shifted to the now broken gate before shifting back to me.

I groaned as the pain hit my head. Damn that gate. I mentally cursed the gate before turning to Sam, grabbing his shoulders, shocking him.

'MAN UP,Sam.' I shook his shoulders as if to wake him, his head of unruly brown curls shaking, i wasn't used to see a crying Sam, in fact i nearly never saw that side to him in all my thirteen years with him. Once was when his grandma died and the only other time was when slamed his head by accident against a ladder and had to get stitches.

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