Chapter One: A Normal Day For Me I Suppose

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~time skip of 16 years~

      I could've sworn that I had 20 more minutes before my alarm went off, but I was wrong. At least my alarm song is Fireflies by Owl City. As I start trying to get my lazy butt out of bed I couldn't help but hum along as I finally got to my feet.

      I let the song play as I got in the shower. When I got out I couldn't hold back anymore, I had to start singing to it. I was having my own little concert in front of my mirror as I brushed my messy medium dark brown hair into a side braid. I put on my white skinnies and my Black Veil Brides tee-shirt. To complete my ensemble I put on my black and white convers.

     As I grabbed my rainbow colored backpack I remembered how people thought I was someone who loves black and only black (not like there's anything wrong with them, some people just don't like other colors) ,but not me. I love every color, especially when its all put against each other like a rainbow. I can't really explain why but I just do, and I don't tend on questioning it just embracing it.

      I went downstairs to go see if there was anything I could eat in the kitchen for breakfast and pack for lunch. When I got to the kitchen all I saw was $20 with a little note under an empty bottle of wine. It said, " I'm not in the mood to cook for you, just buy something for breakfast and lunch. Love you, Mom" It wasn't exactly a balanced breakfast but it would do. Before I left I couldn't help looking over the last part of the note, Love you. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. I knew that after I turned 13 they were growing a disliking of me. I always assumed it was because i'm not a little girl anymore, but I guess ill never really know.

      I brushed the idea away and made sure I had everything I needed for school. I had my backpack, iPhone, wallet, iPod, keys, and all my homework. Once my check list was all checked I left and started my walk to school. You know how once you're 16 you start driving and all that, well my parents found that me trying to drive would be a pain for them in some way. Don't get me wrong i'm not complaining, walking is joyous for me. Just giving people another reason to laugh at me for isn't so joyous.

      As I was walking down the street listening to Let Love Bleed Red by Sleeping With Sirens, I could've sworn I saw someone looking at me from a nearby tree. I just picked up the pace a little hoping that it was just a squirrel or something.

      When I got into school it was like rush hour in India. I managed to break through the sea of people and get to my locker. Of course I had to get a locker next to arrogant cocky jock. It's like he spends a portion of his nights that should be used to do his homework planning ways to make my life just a little more miserable. He wasn't there yet so I was hoping that I could hurry and not take my normal morning insults or as I sometimes call my self-esteem killer.

      I was so close to making it out of there before they got there but I dropped some of my notebooks and textbook. Can you guess who's feet were in front of me when I was picking them up? If you guessed that jock I was talking about then you just earned yourself 100 points. Ugh, I wanted to just transport to anywhere but there, hell I would rather be in my AP Trigonometry class than here.

      "Aww looks like miss clumsy dropped her stuff, it would be ashamed if someone were to step on it," said the jock as he stomped on my work. "You know maybe you should exercise your hands so you don't drop your stuff. How about you exercise on me?" Ya, for my tormentor he still had the mind of normal horny teenage boy.

      "I'd rather not. I'm just trying to get my stuff and go, please don't do this." That was all I got to say before he bursted out laughing and taking one last good stomp on my work and going to his locker.

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