Chapter Nine: I...I...I Feel It's Best If I Leave

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      Was Jeff serious? Mate? As in Soul Mate? That's real? Well actually considering what I am i'm not that shocked that something tat is not exactly normal exists. Well if he is my so called mate then arn't they supposed to be able to do some cool things with them? I can't actually remember wat they were but it was pretty cool. "Ya they are pretty cool, and one of them is being able to pick up a few things from your mind when you're feeling troubled like right now." When Jeff said that I felt my cheeks burn a light pink. I feel if my mind is naked and he can see it all! "I can only see in your mind when you are troubled remember? I can't do it all the time." He then gave me a cocky smirk. "Jeff are you sure i'm your mate? What if i'm not the right one for you?" I hated thinking of him with another girl but if he isn't mine then who am I to take away something that doesn't belong to me. "Zendaya you are my one and only mate. You are perfect for me. I don't think I have ever felt so calm and well sane around anyone in my whole life."

      His words made me feel a little more at ease. If he really thinks we are mates then i'll go along with it, but if it turns out i'm not then I know i am going to have to leave. Leave here and never come back. I don't think I could stay to handle the heartbreak that would come along with it.

      "Okay, I believe you. I guess we can give us a try." I saw his already carved smile smile even wider making the ends bleed a little. I quickly moved closer to him and licked up the blood before I realized what I was doing. I quickly moved away from him and whispered, "Sorry". "No no it's fine. Besides being the daughter of the headless horseman means that you enjoy blood as a snack. your only doing what your body wants. Besides a little blood here and there is never a bad thing, it just means your normal well normal here anyway." I crave blood sometimes but I never actually ate it thinking that it was just some weird phase, but I can actually eat it and enjoy it. How many surprises can I get in one night? Oh no did I just jinx myself!?

      Knock Knock. Damnit, ill take that as a yes. "Come in!" I scream to the door and rearrange myself so that I am not cowering away from Jeff anymore. "Hello my sweet rainbow, I was wondering if I could ask you a question." It was my dad, and since he didn't have his head on I couldn't tell what he is feeling. "Um ya, sure, what do ya need sir?" "Well I was wondering if tomorrow you would like to be announced to both kingdoms of your return. I feel you are capable of fighting off anything that could have put you in danger as an infant. That is if you would like to do this, you don't have to if you don't want to." Hmmm do I? Well I guess if I am the princess I am going to take over one day, so I guess I should. "Ill do it."  "Great, ill have one of the maids bring you to the dress room where you can get ready for it tomorrow. Ill see you tomorrow my sweet rainbow."

      Oh man a part of knows I am going to regret this one way or another. I went back over to my bed to see a curious Jeff. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Honestly I don't know myself. "Honestly it seemed to make him happy and that's all I want to do, make my dad happy and hopefully proud." With that I went over to some drawers and pulled out only a tight white tank top. I went into the bathroom to get changed. I took off everything I was wearing then put on the tank top. When I was done I was in a tank top and just my underwear. It is  REALLY hot in there so don't judge man. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Jeff in a pair of basketball shorts only. He was laying on top of bed with his arms crossed under his head waiting for me. When he saw me his mouth literally hung open and his eyes looked like they got wider it that was possible. He kept staring while I was walking over to him. Does he really think I am going to get in bed with him while dressed like this? I sir am no slut, i'm just surprised I haven't spontaneously combusted from this heat. I knew a good way to get my mind off of everything was to mess with Jeff. Hell it might be fun.


      I got on the bed and on top of Jeff so that I was straddling his chest. When I did his breathing picked up a bit. I knew I probably shouldn't do this but he did say we were mates so I believe I have the right to tease him. I slowly came closer to his face and brushed my lips against his. I felt him move his arms so they were wrapped around my waist and pulling me closer to him and his 'friend'. I could feel him getting excited so I started trailing kisses on his neck as I started grinding against him. This earning me a loud moan from him. I felt his 'friend' getting harder against me till it felt like a brick. Before I knew it he flipped us so that he was on top of me. He quickly captured my lips with his. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly, I can't even describe how much I want him, but not tonight maybe another night though. I quickly flipped us again without breaking out lip contact. I was in a lovely dual with his tongue when all of a sudden I broke our kiss and jumped over to the empty bed.

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