Chapter Five: I Wanna See Him, The King Of The Night, I Wanna See My Dad

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      OMG I can't believe it's happening. The confession some people have been waiting to hear. Though one mystery is solved this story is far from over. Enjoy c:

      They all looked at each other with hesitant looks on their faces. If Jeff could do anything else with his face i'm pretty sure he'd be doing anything else except smiling. Jeff took a second to clear his throat and spoke with such care it made me feel like I could just crawl onto his lap and have him protect me just with his embrace. Okay, what is with me. He probably doesn't like me like that. With his good looks he probably has a girlfriend. Just thinking he has a girlfriend that isn't me makes me so angry. Oh shit, I gotta calm down or else my other side will come out. Deep breaths Zendaya, must stay calm.

      Jeff looked at me with something in his eyes. It kinda looked like surprise mixed with a bit of happiness. Strange. As if he knew what I was thinking he opened is arm and motioned me to come closer to him. I just looked at him as if he had gone crazy. He just chuckled a little and kept his arms up not refusing to put them down until I was in his arms. I saw BEN and Sally whisper something to each other and look at me evilly. Those two can be so weird sometimes, but its something I love about them. I sighed and gave up. I crawled so that I was practically in his lap and he then put is arms around me as if I was gonna run away. Strange, that's all I can describe them all as. But then again the weird ones are the best, and I for one am weird also.

      Jeff said in a serious tone, "Sorry but I just felt like by the end of this you might need someone to hug or comfort you. Alright Zendaya are you ready, because this is gonna be something that could effect how you feel about just about everything." He looked at me with big eyes as if he was worried. Oh my gosh, do I want to hear this. I know I probably shouldn't but I think its about time I know the truth. "I'm sure. I wanna know what happened." I said it with confidence and braced myself in Jeff's arms for what I was about to hear. "Ok" was what I heard Jeff say before he proceeded with what happened.


     Behind the normal world where humans reside there are 2 kingdoms you could say. One was the Kingdom of the Day and the other was the Kingdom of the Night. Each kingdom had different creatures in them. The Night Kingdom had dark creatures and the Day Kingdom had light creatures. Being the night and the day, both kingdoms didn't like each other. There was almost a war once but the King of the Night and the Queen of the Day had decided on a treaty of peace. There was then no contact between the two kingdoms and its people. Or so they thought.

      When the King of the Night had seen the Queen of the Day he knew that she was his other half. He knew she was his one and only true love. It's like how people have sole mates, that's exactly what they were. When you find your sole mate there are some signs that point it out. For the males they can practically read their mates mind, knowing if something is bothering them. Another way is by feeling sparks when they both touch. And the last sign is when they have their first kiss their heart and also brain know then and there that the person they kissed is their sole mate. For the females they fell obviously attracted to them. They also feel as if they need to be by their sole mate or else they feel cold. And the same thing goes for the first kiss. They then know also that they have found their sole mate.

      The King could practically read her mind telling that she felt something between them but how she tried to dismiss it and get back to her duties as Queen. The King had to know if she was his sole mate so he agreed to sign the peace treaty if she agree to a date with him. She agreed and the treaty of peace was signed. They did go on their date late at night when the creatures of both kingdoms had fallen asleep. They had a wonderful date and the King had done something that no light and dark creature had ever done, they kissed. That was when they both knew they were sole mates.

      They had many secret dates and would always try to talk to each other through their link. When a person finds their sole mate they can talk to them via their link ( like a mind link as well). Its special and allows two mates to always stay connected to each other no matter where they are. One day the Queen had felt very funny and she went to her royal doctor. It turned out she was pregnant. She was so excited, she had always wanted to have a  child but she waited to find her sloe mate. She soon then became Queen and she began losing hope of having the family she had always dreamed of. She told the King through their link and he was also beyond excited. The King had a secret though. He had a child with a dark creature when he was younger and reckless. He never cared for the woman or the child since he too wanted to have a child with his sole mate. The King never told the Queen that though. The King and Queen had started to prepare to tell the Kingdoms the good news. They had been so happy all through the Queens pregnancy. Then on August 11, 1997 their daughter was born. She had rainbows for her eye color, black hair, and the cutest giggle ever.

      The King and Queen then brought out their now 10 day old daughter and confessed to the kingdoms of what has secretly been happening. The King spoke confidently, " This creature, The Queen's daughter is also my daughter. The Queen of the Day is my sole mate. Our daughter's name is Zendaya Willow Winter. She is your princess, and one day she will bring a new day of peace and harmony between our two worlds." Many people were happy for the King and Queen and they too wanted for us all to be one big happy kingdom, but there were others that couldn't handle the idea of the two creatures mixing. There were many dark and light creatures trying to kill the Princess but her parents managed to kill who ever got within 20 feet of her. The King and Queen knew that they wouldn't stop until they knew the Princess was gone.

      The King and Queen made it seem as though humans had found their way into our world and had taken the Princess captive and killed her. But some of us like Slenderman knew the real truth. The King and Queen had taken their daughter to an orphanage in the human world. The Queen had casted a spell that would hide the Princess' true form so that no one would discover her. Only the Princess could break the spell when she needed her powers most, but the Princess has the power to get rid of the spell her self she just doesn't know it, till now anyway. The kingdoms thought the Princess was gone and dead and she was forever remembered as the Lost Princess.

      As the years went on the King and Queen never had another child and just mourned for their daughter that they knew they would never see again. The King did everything he could to help the Queen cope with this. After 10 years the Queen couldn't take it anymore. One night when the Queen was in bed trying to sleep she dreamed of her daughter with her and the King. That was the night when the Queen died of a broken heart. Her heart couldn't take it anymore. She managed to tell the King that she loved him and that one day if her ever saw their daughter again to tell her how much she loved her. The King was a little confused at first but their link had died right after with the Queen. After the Queens death the King took over the Kingdom of the Day and treated them all as he treated them as his own kingdom. After the Queen had died he became crueler, meaner, more feared by every creature that existed. To this day his heart never felt love again. Only his lost daughter could make him feel love again.


      I couldn't hold back my tears when he got to the part about giving their daughter away. When he said the Queen died I was balling my eyes out. My mom was dead, my REAL mom is dead. How could I not cry. Jeff tried to comfort me and so did Sally and BEN. I looked at them with tears in my eyes but also confidence, and said,

      " I wanna see him, The King of the Night, I wanna see my dad."


      Oh my gurd guys that was so sad. I almost cried writing this, that's how invested I am with this story. I hope your just as invested in this story as I am. So remember keep reading, vote, comment, and get excited for whats gonna happen next c:

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