Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


Day thirty-six

"I hate walking," Noah complained as he tugged at his father's arm as they passed streets back to their two-bedroom house.

Luke laughed as he looked down at his son. "Do you now?" he asked suspiciously. He knew his son wanted to be carried home, as per usual. But, Luke knew he should stop carrying the nearly five-year-old as he needs to be more independent.

"Will you carry me?" the young boy pleaded, looking up at his father and frowning at the blonde.

"Daddy has a bad back," he lied to his son. "Maybe tomorrow," he suggested, giving his son's tiny hand a squeeze.

Noah sighed and let go of his father's hand. "Noah, don't let go of my hand by the road!" Luke warned, turning back to grab his hand again. However, the little boy began to run, ahead of his father.

"Noah!" Luke yelled after him, pushing the strap of his sons bag securely onto his shoulder and chased after Noah. "Be careful of the road!" He did not worry that Noah was running, more that he was by a road.

Luke passed parents as he ran for Noah, muttering the occasional sorry. They have turned their noses up and scowled. This would make the man seem like an even more unreliable father and discourage anyone from believing that a civil partnership with a child can work.

It didn't take two seconds for the man to reach Noah, as he gently grabbed his wrist, leaning down and picking the boy up. He watched his son beam at the gesture.

"Can you play Lego with me later?" Noah asked enthusiastically, fiddling with the collar of the blonde's shirt.

"Of course, once I have tidied up your mess and made you some dinner."

Noah nodded acceptingly and remained quiet for the rest of the journey home.

"Noah, dinner is ready!" Luke called from the kitchen, where his son sat building some creation which both fathers always told Noah looked great despite not knowing what it was.

The young boy half skipped, half ran into the kitchen, A sock only on his right foot and a Lego character in his left hand.

"Are you having dinner with me?" Noah asked, looking over at the plate of fish fingers and beans, alongside a few chips.

"No, I am having something later with dad."

"I want dinner with you," the four-year-old complained. Not even moving to sit in his usual seat. This was unusual for the young boy, he always did as he was told.

"Dad and I will eat when you are asleep," Luke told him. "Now go and eat your food."

"No," Noah refused, crossing his arms stubbornly.

Luke sighed, he did not want to raise his voice as he knew his son hated that. But, he felt it was the only way to get him to do as he was told. "Eat, now!"

Noah stood there and shook his head, but quickly spun around when feeling two hands on his small shoulders. "What's going on?" Ashton asked, one eyebrow raised as he looked over to the table.

"Daddy won't let me eat dinner with you tonight," Noah said, looking behind at the curly-haired man.

"It's too late Noah," Ashton told him. "Go and eat your dinner, I'll sit with you," Ashton told him sternly but made sure he was not alone.

"No," the young brunette refused once again.

Ashton gulped. "Daddy will sit with you as well," he tried.

"But, you're not eating with me," he pointed out, throwing his arms to his side.

"Noah, I suggest you start eating your food or you will be in serious trouble. I'll take away your Lego!"

"Please," Noah begged, but not moving.

Ashton groaned in frustration, dropping his work satchel to the floor and storming over to the counter when the house phone was placed.

"Do you see what you are doing to him Luke," Ashton half yelled angrily.

"Ashton I- What are you doing?" he asked, as the man held the phone to his ear.

"I'm arranging you a doctors appointment," Ashton stated.

"Don't be silly Ashton. Don't waste their time." Luke disagreed, stepping closer to his husband in attempts to take the phone away from him.

Noah stood in the middle of the room, small whimpers escaping his lips, he had never heard his fathers argue before. It scared him.

"Then get your shit together Luke! You can't be this selfish anymore, you have a child!."

"Don't speak like that around Noah," Luke hushed the man, as he hurried over to Noah who looked stunned.

"Don't express your pathetic habits around Noah!" Ashton spat back.

Luke closed his eyes and ushered for Noah to exit the room, he grabbed the plate with the boy's meal on and took him to the living room, away from the tension.

The blonde sighed. "Shall we have a fish finger each?" he suggested, really not wanting to eat any.

Noah nodded, in too much fear to talk.

"Dad and I love each other very much Noah," said Luke, placing a firm hand on the boy's knee. "I'm being a little silly right now and he gets a little scared."

"But he is angry," the young boy pointed out.

"That's because I'm hurting you, Noah," Luke sighed. "And he is afraid I can do a lot worse."

"Luke," Ashton spoke quietly from the doorway. Luke placed the boy's knife and fork in his hands and left to see what his husband wanted.

Ashton wrapped his arms tightly around Luke. "Your appointment is tomorrow and ten past nine."

Luke closed his eyes and nodded, hugging his husband tighter. "I want to go alone."

"I'll drive you down, and sit with you in the waiting room," Ashton disagreed.

"Ashton, please!" Luke begged, really wanting to go alone. "Do you not trust me?"

"I trust you, Luke," Ashton admitted. "But, this is the one thing I do not trust you with. You have skipped countless therapy sessions before."

"I was sixteen!" Luke protested.

"You were broken," Ashton corrected. "And you're broken now."


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