Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-three


Day one hundred and two

"I'm actually really excited," Luke beamed as he sat in the passenger seat of the car, beside his husband. Ashton said he had planned a date for them both a couple of days ago. And Luke was happy they would be spending time together, alone.

"Me too," Ashton agreed as they drove away from their house, a little nervous to how Luke would react to where they were going.

He knew that Luke thought they were going to the cinema, and he had been talking non-stop trying to hint at the new action film he wanted to watch.

But, Ashton had already booked a table at a restaurant by then and felt bad to cancel. He thought maybe they could go to the cinema after if either of them were up to it.

He watched Luke frown as they drove past the left turning to the road to the cinema, knowing now his assumptions were right.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going, or are you going to be like one of those creepy murderers and drive me to a warehouse and tie me up and then kill me," he rambled nervously.

"Not the cinema, like you thought," Ashton confirmed, watching his husband from the corner of his eye. Fiddling with his fingers, a nervous habit of his.

"It's a restaurant, isn't it?" Luke mumbled.

"I'm sorry," he apologised. "I could cancel if you don't feel ready. It's just you've been doing so well and I thought we could get something nice for once."

"It's fine," Luke sighed. "Is just afraid I'm going to embarrass you."

Ashton smiled to himself. "Never," he disagreed. "I love you too much to be embarrassed by anything you do."

Luke looked down at his lap. "I was sort of excited to go the cinema," he admitted.

"I know," Ashton agreed. "We can go after if you feel up to it."

"I'd like that."


Ashton slid a menu across the blonde who slowly opened it up and peered at the content. Fortunately, none of the meals had the calorie count on them.

Ashton watched his husband, rather than choosing a meal. Watching him frantically search the menu.

"When I called up to book the table, I asked what the healthiest option was," the curly-haired man revealed.

Luke looked up at him with a shocked expression, "What?"

"I asked what had the least amount of calories as well, they said it was this one," he explained pointing the meal on the menu. "Do you want that or something else?"

Luke just looked at his husband astonished. Ashton used to act like this when they were younger when the blonde found himself incapable of eating anything outside of his normal routine. But, now that they were older, over this whole period he has been determined to shove anything with high calories down the blonde's throat.

"You didn't have to do that," Luke said still in shock but also awe.

"I felt I had to. I was bringing you to a restaurant and I knew you would want something low in calories."

"What is I want a huge burger?" he asked, a small smile on his face.

"Then have it. I really don't care what you eat, as long as you do. And it's enough," Ashton said, placing his hand in Luke's and giving it a squeeze.

"I sort of want a burger," Luke admitted rather than the alternative to a low-calorie salad and chicken.

"Then have a burger!" Ashton beamed. "And don't worry if you don't eat it all. I won't complain about all the starving people out there!"

Luke looked down at the menu, then thinking about how many calories it must contain. But, then he thought back to when he used to eat all this food. When he liked it just over six months ago. He thought about his body and how he was hardly fat, just a little. He knew it was his brain's fault.

"Yeah, let's do it!" he agreed.


Whilst waiting the two sat there, hands in hands, exchanging conversation about their job and life and Noah. But, then Ashton had risked something that had been on his mind for a while.

"So, how much do you weigh. Are you getting better?" he asked. Luke had been seeing a therapist, only once a week. But, it seemed to be working. Ashton couldn't really notice a weight gain yet, but there was a shift in mood.

Luke bites his lip and looks down at his and Ashton's hand. He knew his curly haired husband was aware he hated talking about the number. Especially when they didn't even own a scale.

"You don't have to tell me, I was just wondering," Ashton assured the blonde, knowing how tough it was.

"I've gained five pounds," Luke told Ashton. But, not actually telling him his real weight. All through all of this, the curly-haired man had never known his true weight. Just had to judge by his body.

"That's amazing!" Ashton congratulated, a little disappointed it wasn't more. But, he knew Luke hadn't been as truthful with his eating and keeping it down as he would have liked.

"I know it's not much," Luke muttered. "But, in trying."

"I know you are Luke, and that is all that matters. I'd rather you try and eat and then throw up, rather than not eat at all."

Luke looked over at his husband, grinning widely like an idiot. He leant forward towards Ashton, before pressing his lips against the older men.

Ashton kissed back, just for a couple of seconds before pulling away. "I missed this Luke," Ashton chuckled.

"I missed this Ashton," Luke agreed. "I'm sorry for everything I've caused."

Ashton shook his head. "It's over now. We just move on and grow from it. Noah is getting better and so are you. And we will soon all be back to normal again."

Luke nodded in agreement, a little unsure about himself. But, he would try.-

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