Chapter Three

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She dropped her hand from the door and lifted it to press against his chest. Instead of taking the hint, he thought it was an invitation and moved in closer, his other arm coming around her waist. His lips found hers again. They were more insistent and firm than the first. Her second arm was trapped between them. She struggled in his arms, attempting to pull back and he seemed to take that as encouragement too.

Fear sparked in her, and she felt the beginnings of panic seep in. His hand was on the back of her head now, holding her into place. And she couldn't get the breath to tell him to back off.

When he finally came up for air, she said, "Please let me go!"

He looked confused, and his eyes were slightly glazed, making her realize he had more wine than she first suspected.

"Honestly, Andrea. After a nearly $400 dinner, what is one little kiss?"

Temper drove away the anxiety and she shifted, wedging her knee between them, ready to use it if she had to.

"I don't owe you anything, Brad. It was a date."

She shoved him away, hoping not to resort to actual violence. But his once pleasant expression twisted, and he came toward her, grasping the edge of her coat. Heart rate spiking, she backed into the railing and tried to recall the self-defense moves she learned. Still, her mind tried to reason that it was the wine making him so ill-tempered, as if she needed to make an excuse for his behavior.

"You-" He didn't finish whatever he tried to say.

In a blur, he was jerked viciously from her and slammed into the wall opposite her door. Arm twisted behind him, face shoved into the wood and Benton's knee in his back, Brad could only let out a surprised squeak.

"I believe the lady said no."

"Benton!" Mind working furiously, she reached for his shoulder to pull him away.

Benton shoved her off and pulled Brad up, ramming him into the wall again. "Apologize."

It only took a second before a strangled, "Sorry," whispered in the space between them.

Swinging him around, Benton nearly lifted him from the ground as he ran him down the stairs and hurled him toward his car. Brad hit the metal, bouncing off and coming to his knees.

Hands flying to her mouth, Andrea choked out, "Benton, stop!"

Drawing the back of his hand across his lip, coming away with blood, Brad snarled, "Deacon will hear of this."

"You're damn right he will," Benton agreed.

"I was wrong, Andrea, you aren't worth it!" Brad imparted, stumbling to his feet and wrenching his car door open. "Keep your pit bull away from me!"

"Get in the car, Hemmings, before I rip your pathetic head from your shoulders."

Brad hurried into his car and made a show of peeling out of the parking lot.

Stunned by the events of the night, Andrea pulled the hair clip from her now unwound hair and straightened her clothing because it made her feel better, more in control. Pressing a hand to her chest where her heart pounded furiously beneath it, she closed her eyes, swallowed and gathered herself.

By this time, Benton turned and opened her apartment, ushering her inside. He picked up her purse from the concrete and joined her. She allowed him to remove her coat and set her purse aside before she rounded on him.

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