Chapter 6: In the Dark

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Lucy POV🔑

"What is phase 2?" I asked worriedly.

"You'll see." She said. I didn't appreciate her vagueness so I questioned her further.

"What. Is. Phase. 2." I had a gut feeling that I probably didn't want to know the answer.

"I said you'll see." She said sternly.

I sighed. I knew wasn't going to get anything out of Sam which was rather annoying. If I wasn't controlled by her I would've beat her up by now.

We walked down one of the many dark corridors with various dark rooms, taking many rights and lefts. I tried to make a map of how to get out in my head, but with nothing to distinguish the halls apart it was impossible. The only sound was the echoing of mine and the strangers boots clicking on the stone floor and my keys jingling at my hip.

My keys.

If only I could get to my keys. Then I could summon one of my spirits and get out of here. Back to the guild. Back to my team. Back to Natsu.

I lost track of how long we've been walking until we finally reached the end of the hallway. At the end was a heavy wooden door with metal hinges and a huge metal lock that was unlocked now, but it was bigger than my fist. It was worn and looked to be very old. I could feel her smile, which only meant no good.

When Sam swung open the door I gasped. I finally realized that they were taking me to a prison cell.

The cell was about 6 feet long and 7 feet wide. It was small and dank and I could hear the dripping sound of water falling from the ceiling and onto the stone floor.

Me and the stranger stepped into the middle of the room.

"Well Lucy," she said "This is where you'll be staying for the time being, so make yourself comfortable."

I was confused for a moment "Wait, if I have to stay here, then won't that mean you will to?" I asked.

"Not necessarily." She said with a grin.

Then with a deep breath she closed my eyes. Then I felt like a cold breeze had spontaneously swung into the room. A huge weight that I didn't notice until now seemed to lift from my shoulders.

I gasped in surprise and pleasure as I looked down at my hands. I clenched and unclenched them, I was back in control. Then was slammed back into reality as I remembered that I was trapped.

I heard a girly chuckle from inside the room.

"Sam?" I inquired looking up from my hands.

A swirl of black appeared in the entrance and a girl materialized in the door way. She had long straight black hair and was short, but lanky and flat chested. Her eyes were a dazzling blue and her lips were pressed into a thin smile.

"That's right," she purred in a deep and smooth voice.

I was angry, but I realized that I was back in control, and I had my keys. I could fight back.

"Open Gate of the-," I was cut off sharply when my keys disappeared from my hands. "Hey!" I shouted.

The stranger stood in the doorway now with the ring holding my keys twirled around his pointer finger.

"Looking for these?" He asked with an evil grin.

I looked to my other hip and spotted my whip. I reached for it, but it vanished. I looked back up and saw my whip in the tall man's iron grip. The man was to quick for me, and now I was helpless.

He walked back over to me and gave me a hard kick in the stomach. I flew back and hit the wall leaving a crater in it. I gave a gasp of surprise and pain.

He chuckled to himself and started to walk out of the cell. Sam followed him slamming to door behind her. I could hear a key being turned and the click of their boots in unison on the stone floor.

"Oh Lucy," I asked the pitch black, holding my hand to my stomach. "What did you get yourself into?"

Natsu POV🔥

It's been a month since Lucy was taken. The guild was starting to feel more normal everyday, but for me, my worry increased by the second.

"Are you holding up okay?" Asked Happy.

A gave him a brief smile trying to keep it together for his sake and said back, "Yeah little buddy, how 'bout you?"

Happy was silent for a moment. Then he burst out into tears and flew into my chest, "No!" He cried. "I miss Lucy!"

I hugged him, trying to be comforting, but I was barley holding up myself. "Me to," I said as I tried to hold back tears. "Me to." Erza came over to us and pulled my head into her hard armor.

"It's okay Natsu, I miss Lucy to, but we have to be strong for her," she said in a loving voice, almost like a mother.

I could see that everyone in the guild looked somber, and Levy was crying. Gray turned away from everyone, but I could see his fist clenched trying to keep his own tears at bay. When we had finally regained control over our emotions Erza let go and faced me.

"Speaking of being strong," She said her voice low, "We should start our training."

"Training?" I asked.

"Yes," she said. "Since Lucy beat us all so badly last time, we are going to train very hard, so that next time we meet face to face we can take what is ours," she finished proudly.

"Alright!" I said. By this time I was desperate to get Lucy back. I would do anything to be with her. "When do we start?" I asked

She gave me a small smile "Now." She said.

I smiled. "Alright!"

Both of us went outside followed by Gray. She led us for a long while until we got to a vast meadow. The yellow grass was up to our knees, and the trees surrounding us like a fence.

Erza turned towards us with a mischievous grin on her face. "Now who's first?" She said as she pulled out a long shining sword.


It's been one month since we captured the girl. She has been lying around in the cell helpless while we have been working on phase 2.

Phase 2 would involve the girl and her keys. All she had to do was use her powers to open a very powerful, but specific gate. This gate was not to a spirit, but through time.

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