Chapter 20: Back

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Lucy POV🔑

"Please Natsu," I pleaded quietly. "You have to believe me. I need help." He looked at me, his eyes swimming with contradictions while he trying to figure out what to do.

"Erza!" He yelled over his shoulder grabbing the attention of our sleeping friend.

Her eyes snapped open and she shot to her feet. "Lucy!" Erza yelled as she ran over to us. She stopped short just like Natsu did.

"Is something wrong with me? Do I have spinach in my teeth?" Then I could quietly reminded myself that I've never had spinach before.

Erza's eyes drew together and her expression grim. "Well you should bring her in."

Natsu stood aside to let me pass into the light of the guild hall. The rest of my team, along with Juvia and Gajeel, were spread across the hall sleeping.

The guild looked the same as the day I had left. I gave myself a small smile. "It's been so long since I've seen my home." Suddenly there was a loud 'swish' of a sword being unsheathed and I whimpered as she held the sword to my chest.

"Erza what the hell do you think your doing?"

She ignored me as she shouted. "Are you the real Lucy? Our Lucy?"

"What the-?" I heard Gray moan as he stood up from his spot on the bench. He gasped as he evaluated the situation and nudged Juvia awake.

Natsu stood in between me and the blade, pushing it away with the palm of his hand. "Wait Erza. She says she needs our help."

Then my pocket suddenly became heavier. I realized it was where my knife was residing. My fingers itched to grab it and take action, but I did my best restrained myself.

"Kill him."

"Destroy them."



"Unfit to live."

My fingers slowly dipped into my pocket and I grasped the handle of the blade. I drew it out and held it over my head ready to strike.

"Natsu!" Gray yelled as he saw me wielding the knife behind him. Natsu spun around to face me, his face contorted in something I had never seen before... Pure terror and disgust. I'm sure I looked the same.

"Do it! Kill him now!"

"No! I won't do it!" I screamed as I collapsed to my knees and the knife clattered to the ground.

There was a sudden and burning pain in my fingers. I screamed as held my hands out in front of my face so I could see what was happening to them. The nails on my fingers started to lengthen into sharp and dangerous claws. I stood up slowly looking at my friends. Then I dashed towards them and started to slash through my team one by one. I could feel their warm sticky blood all of over my face and body as I sent them to their deaths.

I could vaguely hear voices that blurred together into a mess of words. Until one voice sliced through the rest like a knife.

"It's alright Luce. Your gonna be okay."

I was snapped back to reality by the warm and deep voice. The claws had vanished and no one had really been hurt. I realized that in fact they had never been there. I only imagined it.

My breaths were short and quick while Natsu rocked me from side to side like a child.

Both me and Natsu were on our knees. I was collapsed into his chest while his strong and warm arms wrapped around me, rocking me. I realized that for the first time in a long time... I felt safe.

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