Chapter Three

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I have an interview today at two thirty and I am scared, nervous, and I am screaming in the inside. This just isn't right. I jump out of bed, skip breakfast, and immediately head into the shower. I need to look my best. Looks like I found luck. I step out the shower, moisturize, and I try to make myself look presentable. I am looking like the handsome devil. I make my to the kitchen and eat an apple. I look at my phone "one thirty five" shit! Not again. I'm going to be late. Where did time go? Crap. Gathering my bag, I take one look in the mirror, fix my hair, and I am out the door.


The cafe is extremely beautiful. Not far from my place. It has an opera house look to it. I am absolutely stunned. Extremely beautiful. Just what I need. "You must be Justin Clark." a woman in her early twenties says, peeking around the door. "Hi. That would be me." I say as I get up and walk towards her. "Hello. My name is Tiffany." She says offering her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Justin." I say with a huge smile. Damn, she already knew your name dude. "Pleasure to meet you. The managers office is just down the hall and it's the first door or on the left." She says with a big smile on her face. "Ok. Thank you very much." I say, returning her smile. Oh boy! This is it. The hallway is steamy, and infested with workers cooking, and cleaning. They smile at me as I make my way down the hall, I smile back at them. As I turn the corner, I run into what looks like the manager. "I'm so sorry." I say to the man looking down at me. "No need to apologize. Are you Justin Clark?" The man says. Staring into my eyes. "Yeah. Yes that's me." Holy crap this man is handsome. "Well great. I'm Brett the manager. Come right in." He says with a smile. His white teeth, perfect jawline, and beautiful lips automatically catch my attention. I swallow. This is going to be an interesting day. His office is cold, very cold. Brett closes the door behind us. Turn the damn air conditioner off, I am freezing my nuts off already. "Justin Clark, I'm Brett Hayes. Nice to meet you." He says, offering his hand. My heart melts as our skin touch. "Nice to meet you too." I immediately wrap my arms around me. I feel so unprofessional right now. I can't even think straight. For crying out loud! What if the man doesn't even go that way. Just relax Justin. "Please take a seat." He says, pointing to the chair in front of his desk. "Do you have experience in coffee shops?" He asks. The first thing that comes to mind is the day I got fired. No, no! Don't think about it. "Yes." Is all I manage to say. This man affects me very much. He stares at me long and hard. What have I done? "So would you like to work here?" He says. He's shy too. I feel the vibe. "Of coarse." I say with a smile on my face. I want to work here just to see you everyday. Another moment of silence and I feel like I'm going to cry. Just hurry up please. What can this beautiful creation of god be thinking about? "Yeah." He says clearing his throat. "We are in desperate need of new people here." He says looking straight into my eyes. "Oh." I manage to say. Why on earth would I say that? This is so awkward. I feel my face burn with anxiety and I know my face must be red like a tomato. I want to get this over with. "Yeah. We will definitely look into all of your information. Other than that you are in good shape." He says as he stands and I stand along with him. Perhaps a little too quick, oops. "Thank you so much for your time." I say as I offer him my hand. "No problem." He says looking into my eyes. I need to leave immediately. I quickly make my way to the door and open it, slamming it behind me. Shit! My mistake. I walk quickly to the front door and run to my car. The fall Chicago breeze immediately calms me down as I run past people with concern on their faces.

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