Chapter Twenty Two

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Brett is posing with a huge smile. The man is giving Brett a kiss on the cheek. I feel a tang of jealousy. The man before me, I bet. "That's Jeff, Jeffrey Moore. He was my everything, he was." He looks down at the frame and I immediately want to leave. I am jealous and not liking this at all. "I'm sorry," I whisper. I look down at the frame and a tear rolls down my cheek. Darn this jealousy! I can't control it. "Stop." Brett whispers. He clasps my face and wipes away the tear with his thumb. I'm crying because my jealousy, I just can't control it. Brett presses his lips to mine and I immediately break free. "Look, let's just get ready and we'll make our way to your folks place," I say. I throw the frame onto the bed as I make my way into the bathroom. I stare in the mirror and I don't look like myself. I look pale and hurt, just like the man, Jeffrey. Brett walks in and wraps his arms around me. Just relax, Justin. That was the man before you! No reason to act like a small child. "I'm sorry, I am just letting my jealousy get to me." Tears start to roll down my cheek and I eventually cry into Brett's shoulder. He holds me close to his chest and I listen to his heartbeat as I cry into his chest. After a few minutes, I look up at him. "All done?" He whispers. He clasps my head and kisses me. "All done, now let's go to your folks place, I want to meet them," I really mean it. "Stop crying, we are going to be okay. He's no longer in my life and I'm glad he's not in my life anymore." He says, looking down at me. Something crosses his mind and I know it's not pleasant. I nod and he kisses me once more.


Brett's family is very welcoming. They live in a lovely house in Palos Heights. My family lives around here. Perhaps I should visit her while I'm here. I was expecting the same old problems at every family party, the homophobia. The dirty looks, the whispers, and the silence as you walk to your table as everyone's eyes are on you. None of that this time, thank god. "Welcome. Nice to meet you!" Brett's mother, yells as I walk into the door. The house is almost empty. "Come on mom, relax." Bret says, closing the door behind him. "Hi, I'm Donna. Nice to meet you, hun." She hugs me tightly. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Justin, Justin Clark. Brett has told me a lot about you," I lie. Brett told me very little about his family on the way here. "Mom, this is my boyfriend." He says to his mother as he hugs her. Here we go again! We aren't official yet, but what can I do? Oh well. "It's a pleasure to finally meet my sons first boyfriend!" She yells. Wait what? I'm the first person to meet Brett's family? What about stalker boy? How odd. "What's up, son?" Says the man coming in from the kitchen door. All American dad look. Apron, chef hat, and a lighter in his hand. Perhaps he's getting the barbecue started. God, I am hungry. "Dad." Brett nods. "This is my boyfriend Justin." Brett says looking at me in the eyes. I think I am the color of Brett's fathers apron, dark red. "Very nice to meet you, Justin. I'm the father of three beautiful children, John." He says shaking my hand. "Come on! No one cares dad." Brett says making his way to the fridge, putting away the cake. "Very nice to meet you, John. Justin Clark," I nod. This is so awkward and I think I'm starting to sweat. Brett brings me a beer and I immediately take a sip. "Mom, where is Emily and Dylan?" Brett says to his mother. "They should be on their way, dear." Donna says. "Let's go to the deck. The food is almost ready!" Donna yells, making her way to the kitchen door. I immediately adore Brett's mom. She's a happy person with cats!

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