Episode One

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I laid on my couch, lounging around lazily. I flipped open my phone, looking at what my diary had to tell me today. I rose my eyebrow at the only entry. (Y/n) reads his diary and watches the news. I quietly laughed as I turned on the television to see it was on the news channel. Before I could hear a single word, I switched the channel randomly. My phone vibrated in response, indicating a new entry. I looked at my phone. Murumuru is the culprit. I rolled my eyes, finding myself glad that my diary was fully aware of everything and anything related to the survival game I've lived since the day I was born. I changed the channel to a channel that showed nothing but old shows like Gilligan's Island and The Andy Griffin Show. The good ol' stuff.

"This is so depressing," a voice next to me whined. I glanced at my phone. Murumuru whines in (Y/n)'s ear. I looked back to the television, holding my phone so that I could see it in the corner of my vision. "Look at you! You're not even an adult yet and you're sitting around watching really old shows!"

"Maybe I like the old stuff," I hummed.

"Yeah, whatever," Murumuru huffed. "Why don't you just watch the news or something like that instead of this boring stuff?"

"Where's Deus?" I hummed, disregarding her question.

"Why do you care about him more than me? I'm a lady!"

"Don't tell me no one told you!" I gasped.

"Told me what?" she gasped.

"That you're so annoying sometimes!" I groaned. My phone beeped, signifying that something that could cause pain was going to occur. I looked away for a fraction of a second. (Y/n) went too far and get's slapped across the face. Next to the the entry was a countdown. The second the countdown hit zero, I jumped backwards, off of the couch. (Y/n) avoided the slap. I laughed needlessly.

"We'll finish this later (Y/n)!" Murumuru cried out before disappearing into thin air. I laughed loudly, wondering why she had to go and where she went.

"Where'd Murumuru go, diary?" I hummed, laughing slightly. My voice vibrated, releasing a happy little toon. I found myself very happy that Deus had allowed me to have a diary that could answer every question I might ever have, and the fact that the diary could conversate with me like a normal human being. Murumuru went to Deus because Deus called for her. "I see." I walked back to my couch and sat down, looking at the clock that sat just above my television. After about twenty minutes, I fell into a light sleep.

I awoke to a high pitch, frantic beep from my diary. I sat up, groaning loudly. "What the heck happened? Has the world been set on fire?" I whined. My diary made the beep once again. "Alright!" I groaned, grabbing my diary and flipping the phone open. I looked at the entry with tired eyes to find all the sleep being drained out of my system. There are now twelve known players in this survival game. Deus wants to know if you'll be coming to the little ceremony he does for the new players. "Tell him we are not going," I hummed, yawning slightly. "We've already been to it before. Remember, all those years ago? Chelsy?" Yes. "Yeah, I miss that girl." We could have become a god (Y/n). "Your point is?" The only thing we had to do was destroy her diary, you know she had already died of a disease. "Oh hush you. Her diary was one of a kind and I am not going to destroy it because of some selfish desire. We swore we would forever be loyal to Chelsy. The only reason we aren't a god is because Chelsy's conscious is in that diary. To destroy her diary would be to betray her." Never thought about it like that. "While we're on the topic of the survival game, who are the new players?"

I thought you'd never ask. We live on the outskirts of their basic vicinity. Yomotsu Hirasaka, the twelfth. He's blind and insane. He's got the justice diary. It tells him evil deeds that will happen in the future. John Bacchus, the eleventh. He believes in what Hitler believes in and wants it to happen. He's got the watcher diary. It lets him see every diary and apprentice diary. Every diary but ours of course. Karyuudo Tsukishima, the tenth. He's a rich, stupid man that loves to breed dogs. It's disgusting. Just let dogs be dogs. He's got the breeder's diary. It lets him control dogs and whatever. Only important thing about his diary is that the more dogs being controlled, the more concentration needed. It's his weakness. Minene Uryū, the ninth. She hates religions I guess. She's cute. There was a small picture that showed a purple haired girl who was dressed in an outfit that reminded me of a maid's outfit.

"Eyebrows on fleak."

Hush you. Now, her diary is escape diary. It tells her any good escape routes. If there aren't any good escape routes, it won't tell her anything. Kamado Ueshita, the eighth. She's a little oddly shaped and is in charge of an orphanage. Her diary is the blog diary. It can give whoever she lets in an apprentice diary. Her orphans love her a whole lot. Marco Ikusaba and Ai Mikami, the seventh. Two different people, they're couples. Right now, they have apprentice diaries, but I can already tell they'll get a regular diary and share it together. I'll tell you when I've discovered more. Only Marco's diary, the unbeatable brawler diary, is decent enough. It can predict any sort of attack before it happens. Tsubaki Kasugano, the sixth. She's the leader of the omekata cult. Her diary is the clairvoyance diary. It allows her to see what her followers see. She's an insecure little girl, worrying that there's traitors from within her cult. Reisuke Houjou, the fifth. He's a four-year-old boy. He's super smart, but talks in third person using puppets. His diary is the hyper vision diary. It gives him three activities he'd do throughout the day, one in the morning, one in the noon, and one at night. The three activities occur at the same time at different points in the day. Keigo Kurusu, the fourth. He's a detective and is boring. His diary is criminal investigation diary. It allows him to see the details of a crime happening within the next 90 days. He can only see the outcome of an investigation if it's done by him. Takao Hiyama, the third. He's the teacher of the second and the first. He wears a lot of stuff to hide his identity when he kills seeing as he's a serial killer. His diary is the murder diary. It gives him details on who his next victim is, how he kills them, and where. By the way, the third has been killed by the first. We should be careful if we ever interact with the first. I'll tell you if we have. Yuno Gasai, the second. She is in love with the first. To what extent? I'm unable to read that. She's smart, gorgeous, and dangerous. Her diary is a diary that follows exactly what the first is doing at ten minute intervals. That means every ten minutes, the diary changes. Yukiteru Amano, the first. He is a 14 year old kid. He sees most things around him and writes them down in his phone diary. As a result, he has the random diary. It explains things in great detail, be it future or present.

"Yukiteru?" I gasped. "The same Yukiteru we knew a long time ago?"


"Sh!t! We've got to protect him somehow!"

He's got the second. I have no doubt she'll protect him like we protected Chelsy.

"That's not the point! I need to see he's alright with my own eyes!"

Fine. I suggest we interact with the twelfth. I think he'd like our pazaz.


Yes. And I can influence his diary to tell him that we are in need of a friend like him and it will bring even greater justice. He'll definitely take us in.

"How are you so sure about this?"

Rest up boy. We'll be leaving our house for the first time in forever.

"Try to at least."

No, we will see the light of day and feel it on our skin!

"Whatever man!" I huffed, heading into my bedroom to take a nice trip to the darkness people call sleep.

I Won't Let You Die Too (Yuno Gasai x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now