Chapter 6

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Sweat pours down my face and my vision blurs as I attempt to make my way home. My home isn't a house per say. I live in a three story building that passes as a school in the human world where all of the pack resides. I know it's odd but it is our home. I guess it kind of like a University campus, only instead of eager students it's filled with wolves. 

I had managed to get Yale to the hospital; where they tried to force me to become a patient myself but of course I high-tailed it out of there as quickly as I could. They even phoned security in a feeble attempt to force me to stay but I was able to escape despite my injuries. I don't want to be treated by a bunch of humans who have no idea what was wrong with me. No doubt I would have cause a commotion as soon as they realised that I wasn't human.

The security lights around the building blind me as I continue to stumble my way towards my room on the third floor. Maybe next time I feel the urge to go hunting I'll think better of it and go back to bed. I'm hurt pretty badly and to make matters worse, a human knows about the ghouls. I can only hope now that no one will find me in this pathetic state and ask how I came to be in it.

A howl rings from the woods and I breathe a sigh of relief. I would recognise that howl of triumph anywhere. Mark always seems to howl when he kills, don't ask me why. Must be a guy thing, or an alpha thing. Mark's howling probably means it is a pack hunt tonight which in turn means that there shouldn't be anyone around to see me. Good so now things aren't looking so hopeless, I hope.

Oh I'm going to get such an ear bashing from Mark when he finds out I have been hunting under his nose. Mark. What can I tell you about him? Well, he found me living on the streets and took me in under his wing. He has a degree in some kind of science, physics I think and uses his knowledge to teach both physics and maths. Despite the fact that the school is supposed to be a cover he still makes me attend. Which I hate.

He's around fifty three but only looks around twenty five: shapeshifters reach a certain age and just stop ageing. With Mark it was twenty five, for me it was twenty even though I'm now thirty five. Oh yeah. He's the alpha of the pack. He is the only one with the capability of 'controlling' me. Yeah right. No-one on this planet can control me. Hell, I go out hunting despite his warning me not to.

I'm definitely going to get an earful for defying his orders but in a way I think it was worth it. If I hadn't gone out then I never would have found out about the queen and more innocent people would have died. I think I'm paying enough of a price for my decision at the moment, with blood pouring freely from my wound and down my back. I wince in pain as I stumble. Can things get any worse?

Normally when that question is asked something worse happens. I stop for a second and wait for the inevitable. When nothing happens I continue onwards blindly, hoping that the hunt will not end until I reach my room. But of course my room has to be right at the top and I loose more blood with every step.

The school itself is made up of a few hundred classrooms, offices, gym halls and dorm rooms. My room is directly opposite Marks. He says it's because it was the only dorm left but I'm not an idiot. He wants to keep an eye on me; to ensure I don't loose control like I did when I first came here. Because I had to fend for myself when I was younger, my wolf is stronger in me than in others and if I loose control it's bad for who ever is around me. That's why Mark sticks around, though he doesn't like to admit it.

At least no one is around. I stop again as a stray thought worms its way into my head. If it is a pack hunt tonight, which it is, then Mark will no doubt inquire about my whereabouts and I hate lying to him. So one way or another, he will probably find out. Then I will have to talk to the council and I hate doing that as well.

My body jerks forward and I almost loose my balance. Forgetting about the council, I stretch my arms out in front of me and catch myself before my face collides with something solid. I blink stupidly at the white step and allow a breathe out between my teeth. While I was thinking I managed to somehow get inside the building and to the bottom of the steps, then trip and almost loose my front teeth. Typical. Slowly, I pull myself up and begin the slow walk up to my room on the third floor.


My door won't open. I shove against it with all my might but it refuses to budge. I feel my strength fading as the ghouls venom ravages its way through my system. Stupid venom. Stupid door. It's not as if it's make out of concrete but it feels like it as I continue to push uselessly.

I step back and tense my body to ram my shoulder against the door but the corridor begins to spin and I can feel the darkness creeping in. My body shakes because I'm so weak and my skin is coated with blood and sweat. Perhaps this was not such a good idea. I should have gotten help but it's too little too late. I take a deep breath to try and clear my head but the spinning only gets worse and I feel bile rising in my throat.

I take another deep breath and prepare to rush my door.Instead of moving forwards my body falls backward and I become aware of my body hitting the floor hard though I don't feel it. I try to raise my arm but my energy is gone. My body begins to feel cold and I blink my eyes to stay awake. My head falls back and rests on the floor. I can't move. I can't feel. Some part of me knows I should be afraid but I feel nothing. My eyes close and I can't open them again. With the will to fight gone I allow the darkness to take me.

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