Aria's POV/Hanna's POV

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Aria's POV
I don't feel anything except cold, frozen actually I can't move. Is this what being dead feels like? All I see is black. My whole body moves but I'm not in control of it. I see a bright light. Okay I must be dead now. Someone is crying next to me is screaming too it's Emily. I want to cry I'm scared I want to move. My breathing is going fast and when I gain control of my body Emily's head shoots up and looks at her friend who she probably thinks just rose from the dead. I sit up and look at my hands and see that I'm covered in cuts and blood. My heart starts beating really fast Emily is just staring at me. My breaths are really short and everything hurts, Emily gives me a hug and just holds onto me and my breathing starts to return to normal. The speaker goes off "Please return to the prom room" the door clicks open and Emily helps me get up and helps me walk to the room. The room has different papers with everyone's name except Spencer's and mine. I see the other girls and they came over and gave me a hug getting some blood on them Ezra came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Please go to your section" Everyone starts walking away to their section except Toby who stayed with Spencer and Ezra that stayed next to me. "Toby, Ezra please go to you sections" I nod my head at Ezra telling him I would be okay and Toby kissed her head and walked over with Ezra. "Aria and Spencer please return to Spencer's Room" I looked at Spencer who still had blood on the side of her head I grabbed her hand we walked slow due to our injuries. We walk down the hall and into her room where there is a few bottles of water, and some food that wasn't the gross stuff we have been eating. There is a card that says Feel Better -A. "Is A trying to make us better?" I ask. "A wants us in pain but A doesn't want us to I guess die. Are you okay? What happened?" Spencer asks me. "I don't know what happened A made it look like I was dead to Emily. Everything hurts. How's your head doing?" I say "It hasn't stopped hurting. I'm scared I just want to be home" She says starting to cry I lean on her shoulder and start to cry too. Eventually we fall asleep. A few hours later I wake up and look around Spencer's room and see the window broken suddenly the alarm goes off a few times then stops probably just to wake everyone up. Spencer wakes up we eventually eat the food A left us changed into the clothes A gave us mostly the same clothes we have back home. And that was me and Spencer's life for two weeks.

Hanna's POV

Spencer and Aria leave and the speaker goes off "Please take your note off the floor in front of you and follow your instructions" I pick up the note and it says Go down the hall to the hallway to where your room is but instead of stopping at your room continue walking to the door at the end of the hall Don't tell anyone else where your going or else. "Follow your instructions" The speaker says. Caleb comes over and kisses me "I love you be safe" I say to him "I love you too" He says back. We all start walking in the different directions we had to hoping we would see each other again and we did two weeks later.

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