A/N extended cut

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Hello everyone, I deeply appreciate you coming this far in your reading journey. I've only posted this story a day ago and already I'm seeing some activity.
I suppose you would be interested in the future of this novella after coming this far. I do plan to make a third and final chapter to wrap things up for these two merhorses, however I will be taking my time with this part. Any and all feedback would be appreciated for writing this chapter. Feel free to point out any typos or grammatical errors that i have made thus far in the comments.
Mayhaps a few writing tips can be lent? If you feel they are fit that is.
I was planning on making this a very short story, but if any of you would like me to lengthen it please don't be shy to bring this to my attention.
In addition, if any of you have any  weird ideas or writing prompts that you'd like to pitch to me please comment them!

I'll be back with chapter three soon enough darlings, stay tuned~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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