Chapter two.

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Foams bag was soon scavenged through. Her darling hadn't eaten in what felt like and eternity, and it showed in the way he essentially inhaled what the tide had gifted them.

The tide, being as generous as she was, gave foam as much richly green algae as her worn rucksack could hold without bursting.

Her darling had given many thanks and kisses to her in appreciation before taking on the mountain of algae for his meal. As her darling ate, she went about their small cove and tidied it. She combed the thick stalks of seaweed into their more proper shape, she plucked the odd sea slug from the sandy floor and re-stuck them to their homey stalks, she brushed the sandy floor smooth with her sturdy hands. She did all of this as her darling watched her.

Silt, of course, hated to sit idly by as his love worked herself to the bone. But more often than not, whenever the matter was brought up, she would silence his worries with her calming, deep, and almost raspy voice.

As he packed his small stomach with what could've been the most Devine algae in all of the earths seas, he grew sleepy from the weight his heavy belly was taking on. More and more bleary eyed he became over time, watching his love became quite the task as his head lolled from one side to the other. She took noticed this and swam to his side, suppressing a wide smile with her hands.

He watched her glide ever so gracefully into the empty spot that resided next to him, where she took to feeding her darling. She swiped the hemp sack from him and shushed his protests of independence. He, at first, refused to eat from her hand, siting that she had already done more than enough and deserved for him to be feeding her. She shook her head firmly and still pressed the algae to his lips.

Unable to refuse his incessant stomach it's fill any longer, he softly crunched on the greens from her hand, popping the small polyps between his teeth gingerly. Slowly at first he nibbled, but quickly he picked up a steady rhythm of chomp, chew, and swallow.

She adored caring for her darling and always leapt at the chance to pamper him. He was bashful from all the attention but always. Always. Thanked her plentifully.

Soon enough, the bag wasn't the one stuffed with algae, it was Silt. His already pudgy middle was being put to its limits. The skin of his belly was stretched and tight against its freshly eaten load. However he was in no discomfort, in fact he still hungered for more of the tides thoughtful gift when the bag had run dry.

Foam made a mental note to ask the tide for more algae.

Silt stroked his loves face with the knuckles of his right hand and thanked her for the umpteenth time for all that she did for him. She welcomed his thanks and continued to shower him with her tender affection, in the way of gently squeezing and massaging his cramped stomach.

She couldn't help ogling his distended belly. She found herself a little ashamed to admit that she thought it quite cute. Her thoughts led her to the conclusion that her darling was going to grow much larger than this in the future. She blushed in excitement at this, but mostly her blush was appointed to how her mind perceived things.

With each undulating movement of his loves hands, Silt felt small electrical currents sending themselves up his arms and neck. His strained muscles relaxed and his mind slowed and quieted. And soon thereafter, each lover found themselves in a deep, dreamless slumber.


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