Part 5

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You stirred from your sleep, you tried to roll over and you could feel the soreness from the night before. You let out a small moan as you tried your best to sit up. You held the blankets up to your bare chest as you slowly opened your eyes. Your eyes finally adjusted and you looked around your room, your clothes were all on the floor and you plopped back down on your pillow.
You were putting yourself into a bigger predicament with changkyun now that this had happened as well. You covered your face with your hands and sighed, you sat up once again and placed your feet on the floor slowly making your way to the bathroom. You turned on the shower and let the hot water wash over you. The water made your sore body feel a bit at ease as you slowly tried to wash off all of the memories of last night.
You turned off the water and grabbed a towel and quickly dried off. You wrapped the towel around ur body as you went back into your room and found some clothes to wear. You grabbed your towel and did your best to dry your hair off as you walked into your living room towards the kitchen. You could smell that coffee was being made and you slowly walked into the kitchen seeing kihyun standing at the stove with his shirt off cooking. His back was covered in scratches from the night before and you felt your face get hot as you remembered last night.
"Good morning!" Kihyun sang as he turned to you with a smile on his face.
"Hey, I thought you had left." You muttered to yourself.
"Not yet, I figured you and me could use some breakfast!" Kihyun said turning back to the stove as he cooked some eggs.
"Thanks," you said quietly as you walked over to your coffee pot and grabbed one of the mugs from the cabinet and poured you some coffee.
"Foods ready," kihyun announced as he started to plate the eggs for the two of you.
You just smiled as you took the plate of food kihyun handed you and sat at the bar of your kitchen. Kihyun joined you sitting in the chair next to you. You both silently ate your food feeling a bit of awkwardness in the air you kept fidgeting in your seat.
"So about last night," kihyun started finally breaking the silence.
"Hmm, oh ya," you said staring down at your plate not looking up to face kihyun.
"It was just a one time thing ok, I lost control and, didn't really mean for any of this to happen, so let's just pretend nothing happened, ok?" Kihyun said looking over at you.
"Really?" You asked looking up at kihyun.
"Ya, I mean, I only came over to make sure you were ok for Changkyun, he hasn't really been home a lot, and," kihyun paused and pushed his plate away from him, "something happened between you and him, right?"
You looked away and tried to think of something to say.
"I figured so, just the way he was acting when you guys were at the park, he looked pretty hurt and confused. I knew he only blew up like that cuz he is confused about this situation and since he really hasn't liked someone before he doesn't know how to go about the situation." Kihyun explained as he set his silverware down and stretched. "I think for the best, you don't come around us anymore, that, if you want things to work out with you and Changkyun, you only talk to him and be around him. I mean obviously all of us guys have sexual frustrations and since you're one of the only girls around us, it probably isn't the best idea."

You didn't say anything, it was becoming clear to you that last night with kihyun really meant nothing to him and you almost felt a bit of relief but at the same time hurt.
"Anyways I'm gonna go ahead and leave, but you should call Changkyun and work this out, figure out what you both want and talk, ok?" Kihyun said as he stood up and walked over to the living room grabbing his shirt and putting it on.
"Ya," you whispered to yourself.
Kihyun walked to the door and stopped he sighed to himself and said, "(y/n), I really hate this situation, I never wanted to make it seem like I was using you like this, cuz, your an amazing person, you and changkyun aren't the only ones who are being hurt." Kihyun turned and looked at you and you met his eyes. You could see that he was hurting that he had to make this decision because he cared about changkyun, "Really and truly look into your heart and figure out what you want before you hurt someone else, ok?"
You felt tears staring to run down your cheeks and brushed them away quickly.
Kihyun showed you one more big smile and opened the door, "Bye, (y/n)" and kihyun walked out the door and quietly closed it behind him.

You finished cleaning the dishes kihyun and you had used and looked over at your phone that was sitting on the couch. You hadn't really been bothering to even use your cellphone and resorted to using ur house phone to avoid looking at any texts or calls. You finally built up your courage and turned on your phone.

You waited as it powered on and once it did your cellphone filled with notifications, mostly missed calls, voice mails and texts. You clicked on your most recent voicemail and placed the phone to your ear closing your eyes and biting your bottom lip at what would be said.

"(Y/n), it's Changkyun again, obviously your phones turned off, it's just been going straight to voicemail." You heard changkyuns husky hurt voice, "I really wanna see you, I need to talk to you, there's too much that's been left unsaid and, I can't sleep, eat or think right, please, call me back, please."
The voicemail ended and you sighed to yourself, you couldn't just leave it like this, you knew you and changkyun had to talk eventually. You fidgeted with your phone, you weren't even sure how you felt about changkyun, the two of you had always just been friends so the night you slept together was random. A part of you did want to explore a relationship with him but, with you guys already skipping all the steps was it even possible anymore?
You kept pacing your apartment trying to figure out exactly what you wanted to do, you knew this decision would be a big one, which made things harder. Changkyun had always been really quiet since you met, he never really picked little fights with you, it was like he would always stand back and obverse instead of interact. You always remembered when you were with the guys looking for Changkyun to see if he was enjoying his time with you and when you'd see him smile it would make your heart skip. You hadn't really noticed any of the things you'd do always trying to make sure Changkyun was included, to make sure he did things he also wanted to do. You never realized that a part of you did like him.
You finally worked up your courage and clicked on Changkyuns name and the call dialed out. You slowly placed the phone to your ear and heard the phone ringing.

One ring,

Two rings,


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