Part 7.5

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The rain was hitting hard on the building windows. He stared out into the streets, the sidewalks were almost flooded, all he could think of was her, and if she was ok.
He fogged the windows with his breath and slowly started to draw on the window. He pulled out his phone and tried to call her again.

'We're sorry, all services are down at this time please try again later.'

Once again the same message played in his ear. He placed his phone on the window sill and kept watching the rain, 'why did I say the things I did, I didn't mean them.' He thought to himself. He hated that he was really feeling hurt from this. He kept thinking about the way she looked and smelt, her scent was gone from him now but he feeling he got when he would catch her eyes was still there.
He pushed himself away from the window and started to pace around the room, he wanted to go and find her but with the storm being so bad he wasn't allowed to leave. 'I should've left when we were done recording.' He thought to himself.
He sat himself down on the floor and buried his face in his hands. This wasn't right, why didn't he just fight for her? Why? He stood back up and walked to the window once again, he thought to himself,
'when this is done... I'm going to her and not letting her go.'

'I'm going to take her from him.'

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