Describe an occasion when you felt unsure or challenged.

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Focus on the thoughts and feelings you had at the time.

I was scared. Scared stiff that if I didn't get out of here I wouldn't see my family again. Again, the tall long branches were towering over me as though I was being punished. Punished over the fact I had lost them. They had gone, they had left me. I didn't know what I did wrong . Wrong. The path looked wrong, it was too brown and too wet. I was in the jungle of loneliness wth no one but myself to hate. I was in a loop-hole. A loop-hole that was getting more and more scary the longer the time had past. There were trees, many trees that all looked identical. They were long tall and a matron shade of brown. The top of the trees were a glistening green with an array of similar style leaf. There were so many trees and leaves that you could not see the sky. The sky had now turned green.
I was scared. Scared stiff. I though that if I couldn't find them, they would forget about me. I thought about the scouts I did when I was little. How they had told me to stand still and someone would find me. But what if they didn't realise? What if they couldn't find me? It wasn't that I couldn't just go and find them. It was the fact that I couldn't move. I didn't know if the ground was going to reach out and pull me in or if the trees were going to push me over. I couldn't move. The trees were whistling and dancing gleefully in the gentle breeze. The trees were happy and singing to me because I was gone. Their branches were moving in sync so much it looked unrealistic. But even the happiness of those trees could not move me.
Because I was scared. Scared stiff. I had that sinking feeling in my stomach. That feeling of regret as to why I didn't listen. The rocks on the side of the pathway were falling in my stomach. The realisation was getting to me and eating me up. I still could not move because there were too many rocks in my stomach.
I was scared. Scared stiff. I thought about my life and how happy I was and how sad I had been and how angry I could be. I thought about my friends and how they were there. They were just always there, whether in person or online, they were still there. I thought about my beliefs and how I needed to appreciate more in life. I thought about maths and the odds of me being in this situation. I thought about science and how I was still living even though I wasn't moving. I thought about English and how the regular emerald sticks were swaying gracefully in this fresh summer wind. I thought about how u was feeling before and how my life had changed so drastically after I had discovered it. I thought about not telling them and how I should have done because now I was here. But then I smiled (*frowned*) because then I remembered about (conversion) therapy. I thought about telling them about how I was ga-
I was scared. Scared stiff.

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