Chapter 11 - The Chase

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The ChasE

We ran and ran. We almost lose our way in the bridges. An earthquake suddenly shakes and stops. The gushing waters formed by the quake swept Sable since she is light. “Sable!” I stop. She was keep holding on her pole spear she planted on the grounds. I saw the land bridge collapsing. “Sable, quick!” I helped her and we run towards Ferrence and Kindle. I saw the ODDS was on the other bridge adjacent to our pavement. Since the foliage was not so thick because of the young trees, I can see them running. I shoot my crossbow to the alliance. Before I shoot Lancedon, I hear the cannon booms. Boom! Chetnik was not able to escape the running collapsing bridge. He fell into the water, a huge rock fell on him and stained the muddy water red, and he floats. I shoot the tributes while I am running. But the male tributes of the ODDS were very fast sprinters. I aim them in advance. I shoot Dizzi directly in her head. She fell in the waters and the cannon roars another blast. Boom! I run and run until Ferrence helps me on killing. He tosses his throwing axe and hit Mulligan in his chest. Boom! Another has died. Sable has finally escaped in the collapsing bridge. And we can’t see the ODDS anymore since the greeneries starts again in the edge. It is not a jungle but thin woods where you can see the things beyond a mile. We are in the top of a barren cliff in the middle of the forest when suddenly the shaking and growling of earth from afar stops and a bunch of collective cloud blocks the fiery red sun in the edge of the woods. Again, there’s my assumed invisible wall which divides the wall, the fourth wall then I tell them, but they’re not convince. They tell me that it is may be a coincidence. It gets very dark. It begins to rain very hard and because of the heated earth, the fog thickens that you cannot see the things clearly beyond it, we observe and the rain is getting nearer to us. I saw a girl, and you can tell her by the color of her golden hair that she is Klarinet. She was running. We can see her from our position. The rain reach her and we hear her shouting. She makes a beeline like a usual new-born mammals that can’t see their way. She runs into the west. Hitting the trunks of trees she didn’t see because she was blinded by the rain. It may be acidic or something. Then, we see her hit a wall which bounce her back and her body hit a tree and a blast of cannon booms. Boom! Around the arena is a force field! We ran. Maybe we got blinded too by the rain. The rain was a couples of mile from us and creeping the forest. We reach a desert. And all was I am thinking that we are safe from the rain. The sun sinks down and the dusk let the purple and pink sky war each other. We decided to go into the Cornucopia and hid there. We saw that the golden horn was shining by the help of the moonlight. We go inside it. The only light we have is the moonlight. Kindle suggested to cover the mouth of the Cornucopia by Sable’s very wide, thick, black cloth. I suggested mine but my cloth is orange, which is hard to camouflage with it. We lighted a fire there to heat us in that freezing night. We hear the anthem and I volunteer to look at it. “Guys, I will look who have died this day.” So I get my crossbow and one of the sheath bag I have. I saw the tributes that died this day. The first tribute died is Velvet, again I remember her sky blue and pink dress. She is followed by Amneti, Cascane who Kindle and me shot our arrows. Klarinet, who died in hitting the force field when the blinding rain blinds her. Followed by Arrem, maybe he is the one who burned in the fireflies section. Then Gloshierre. Sherlon follows her, who also killed by our arrows. Then Mulligan, who killed by Ferrence’s axe, and Dizzi, who I killed with my advanced aim, Mykonos, and Chetnik who accidentally fall in the collapsing land bridge in the chase.

The chase. The longest run I have to save my life. I feel no grief when I didn’t see him in the flashing of the fallens, he who was keep running in the circles of my head.Romenik.

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