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As the glow of the moon flowed in the hospital window of Athena's room light appeared in the shadows. Athena lay in her bed playing the latest pokemon game pokemon black 2 on her Nintendo DS console she remembered how long she had been in this hospital how life just had not been very fair to her. Her entire family her parents her grandparents her aunt and younger brother had perished when their holiday home caught fire mysteriously a year ago. She had been put into forster care after a few months she had found out that she had cancer. The doctors told her she had a year or less to live. Her foster family kicked her out shortly after her diagnoses, she was homeless.

The doctor on her case became her temporary guardian she was grateful someone cared. In the last few days she found out that her cancer had gotten worse, she could feel herself growing weaker. She prayed to God for courage not to fear the end, looking down at the screen she noticed she subconsciously had become the champion using a cool team. Her body began twitching uncontrollably her heart raced causing the machines to go off, before anyone could get to her Athena breathed her last breath. Athena was surrounded by a bright divine light and she met someone whom she recognised as Arceus creator of all pokemon. Arceus told her to enjoy her new life her second chance she would be reborn in the world of Pokemon. In complete shock at the honor that Lord Arceus bestowed upon her listened as Arceus confirmed her secret ability that nobody knew...

Meanwhile in the World of Pokemon Professor Elm was on his way home from his visit with his friends Professor Sameul Oak and Mr Pokemon. They had informed him of unusual sightings of pokemon from other regions showing up in Johto. He was shocked at the thoughts going through his mind when suddenly a branch in the tree above him snapped and an unconscious girl fell from the tree. As Arceus licked her cheek Athena noticed herself getting dizzy fading into darkness. Using his gift of creation and rebirth Arceus transfered Athena's soul into the body of the young girl the professor was holding. Unknown to Professor the soul of the girl he was holding had already passed over to the Tree of Life.

Pokemon: Athena's Adventures Through JohtoWhere stories live. Discover now