Chapter Two : The cruelty of the world

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Hikaru sat in the bed with the duvet over him. He was horrified. He could hear noises downstairs, but he didn’t know if it was the telly, his imagination or reality.

The sound got closer and closer until it stopped right outside his door. Hikaru cocked the gun and got the duvet away from him, carefully.

He aimed the black, heavy revolver at the dark wooden door to his bedroom.

As the door opened, he shot, he hit his target, but it wasn’t the target he wanted to hit.  

In the doorway stood poor little Hikaru’s mother, and behind stood his father. They both slowly fell to the ground, like in slow motion in action films, with blood coming from the wounds and mouth.

Hikaru had just shot his mother in the stomach, and the bullet had gone through her and into his father’s stomach.

Hikaru only felt only three things at the moment, and those things was anger, sadness and regret. He could feel the warm salty tears stream down his cold, pale cheeks, and meet under his chin, where they dripped down at the now bloody floor.

He had just shot his own parents because of some creature that might just have been his imagination.

He was angry at himself because of his paranoia, he was sad for his long awaited parents had just been murdered, and he felt regret because he was the one murdering them.

He fell to his knees, tears falling from his eyes. His head hanging low. You could not hear a single sound in there, except his silent, silent sobs. Around in the world, people were having lots of fun, or they were arguing with their parents. People were going to amusement parks with their parents, or driving to football practise with their mum or dad. But here was the young eight year old boy, silently crying, the little boy who was so scared that he had killed his own parents.

After a while he stopped crying, he sat on his knees, with his head hanging low, he heard a noise, it was the metallic rattling noise who had broke the silence that felt like had been there forever. Hikaru slowly looked up to see the creature the had made him kill his parents.

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