Chapter 5

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With my eyes still being closed I rubbed my forehead. My head was pounding. All I needed right now was a big glass of water and many many many Aspirin. I squinted my eyes open and turned my head to the side just to let out an annoyed sigh at the sight of yet another stranger in my bed.

My hands were searching for my phone while I glanced down at myself. The blanket covered my body but according to the stranger next to me being shirtless, there was only a slight chance that I was still wearing any clothes. I carefully lifted the sheets up and groaned almost inaudible when I saw myself not wearing one single piece of clothing. In the same moment I found my phone and held it right in front of my face to check what time it was.

I widened my eyes and hissed a quiet "Fuck" when I noticed what date today was and how late it had already been. I lifted myself up and made my way over to the bathroom. It was unavoidable not to step on the pile of clothes on the floor.

I grabbed one of the Aspirins that were spread on a counter in the bathroom. I swallowed it down with a giant mouthful of water. Looking at myself in the mirror while I made my way to the shower I rubbed my face.

Great job Layla. Especially on an important day like today you look like a piece of shit. You don't only look like one but you also feel like one.

I stepped into the shower and let the warm water coat my body. I washed my hair and did all the other typical stuff that you do when you take a shower, but much slower that I usually would due to the massive headache I had.

After I got out of the shower and wrapped one of the white towels that were placed on the towel rail around my body, I applied my moisturizer and untangled my hair with a brush. I rushed out of the bathroom and picked out a random outfit out of my suitcase. I made sure to put on a shirt that didn't show too much cleavage, which was pretty hard considering that 90% of my outfits consisted of shirts or dresses that revealed a fair amount of my décolleté.

Every now and then I glanced over to the stranger with the brown hair to make sure that he was still asleep. I tried my best to remember his name while I got ready and put all my stuff in my suitcase, but the only name that came to my mind was Hennessy. Maybe he never told me his name or I never asked him. Whatever.

I grabbed the key and my suitcase before I made my way out of the room. I didn't bother to wake the guy up. He would eventually get up at some time and find his way back home.

After handing the key in at the front desk and checking out, I got into a Taxi and told the driver my destination.

With a water bottle in my hand I leaned my back against the seat and tried to relax a little, making sure to take a sip of the water every so often to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water after yesterday's event was probably the only thing I could do right now to get rid of the headache.

Throughout the whole ride I looked outside the window, trying to capture as much as I could of the city. There was not a single one family house in this streets, only one apartment next to the other. Some looked very luxurious even from the outside. Others looked really decrepit and just the typical kind of apartments you would expect to see in the streets of New York.

"You've reached your destination, Miss", the driver said with his foreign accent as he looked at me through the rearview. My eyes settled on a building with brick walls. The bricks had a copperish color. I gave the driver the money that I owed him for the ride before I grabbed my suitcase and got out of the car.

Walking up the stairs to the door of the building, I gazed up at the numerous name plates.


That was the right one. I pressed my finger on the botton of the doorbell while I still had a tight grip on my suitcase with my other hand.
Not too long after that I heard a buzz and I pushed the door open. The smell of fresh pancakes greeted me while I made my way through the hallway which was paved with fancy white and black tiles.

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