Chapter 3

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Justin's POV:

Fixing my hair with the rest of gel that I had left on the tip of my fingers I checked myself in the mirror. Washing my hands I went out of the bathroom and slipped my white high tops on.
I was just about to put my gold chain on as my phone vibrated. Taking it out of my pocket I answered the call.

"Where you at bro?", recognizing the loud sound of the bass getting mixed with Leo's voice I could tell that he was already outside of the club.

"On my way", I replied to him while walking out of my room. I quickly looked back to check if I haven't forgotten anything and then jogged downstairs. "Aight, see you later", Leo almost yelled.

I canceled the call and put my phone back into my pocket. Walking out of the door I shut it behind me. Making my way to the club I looked around. There was barely anyone on the streets at this time.

Perfect evening to get a new supply, I thought. In that moment a police car drove by me, causing me to chuckle lowly at the irony.

I couldn't do that to my mom, just thinking about her reaction to a police officer telling her I was in jail sent shivers down my spine. After all I was all she had left.

My coward of a dad disappeared after I was born, leaving my mom to raise me on her own.
Quickly shaking my head to get rid of these useless thoughts I continued my way down the street towards the club.
I'm not wasting any more time thinking about this shit, I promised myself.

As I arrived at the club I could already see the guys waiting outside.
Per usual Jack was too busy checking out every chick that walked past him.
Shaking my head and chuckling I mumbled to myself "Fool".

This guy couldn't keep his eyes to himself, even if it would only just be for one evening.
I greeted both of them with our usual handshake and we made our way past the lane of waiting people.

Some of them nodding at us, others yelling at us to get in the lane and stuff like "Wait for your fucking turn".
Chuckling at them we stopped in front of the huge double doors and I smirked at the bouncer.

"Sup, Dave?" I said and nodded my head at him.
He pressed his lips together and opened the door for us.
"You guys have fun." He mumbled and we disappeared inside.

You see, me and Dave, we have this deal. As long as I won't tell his boss, which is my cousin's fiancé, he'll let us through no matter what.
Man, I'm a fucking genius.

"Hi Justin!"
"Justin, heey!"
"Yo Justin, sup bro?"
Several voices were creating a great mumbling and whispering around the club and almost immediately all eyes were on us.
Hey, you don't see me complaining, right?
I simply smirked at them and looked around the club, my eyes settling on a gorgeous girl with long brown hair.

It was a little bit curly though. Checking her out I recognized her tight dress and heels which showed off her long, skinny and tanned legs.

She wasn't looking my way, no. She was focused on the ice cubes inside her vodka-coke.
As I looked at the boys they were already looking into the same direction and then gave me their appreciative looks and grins.

This was easier than I thought it would be.
"Yo, mind your own business, fuckers!"
I yelled out and everyone immediately adverted their eyes. Slowly, I made my way over to the bar where my chick was sitting.
Aight, here it goes.
Watch and learn, dickheads.

I didn't know her name, I didn't know what she was into but I would make sure to find all of these information
and much more out by the end of the night.

Leaning over the counter a little I ordered a simple Red-Bull vodka and licked my lips. Nibbling on my drink I scooted closer to get her attention. Placing my hand on her knee I leaned over and mumbled in her ear.

"May I let you know how fuckin' sexy you look in that dress?", immediately she pushed me off roughly and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you fucking insane? Keep your hands off me bastard", clenching my jaw at the words that spurted out of her mouth I shook my head and chuckled to myself.

"Feisty, I see", smirking at her I noticed that she looked away again and focused back on the ice cubes in her drink.

"You know, I like feisty girls in bed", I took a sip of the vodka mix and grinned cheekily at her as she lifted her head up and laughed sarcastically.

"Sorry I ain't interested in fuckboys", she sounded bitter. But I liked that. This was the first time in weeks that someone was trying to resist me. Even though it's impossible, I mean I got the Bieber genes hah.

"I would really appreciate if you didn't call me all these names baby girl", chuckling lowly I placed my hand back on her knee and squeezed it this time "You know, those words really hurt. But maybe you could make up for that with telling me what your name is."

With this she stood up, leaving the almost empty drink on the bar counter and hissed through gritted teeth "Layla. Now piss off."

I knew what I wanted and I knew I would have nothing else to do tonight then to fuck her senseless. It's not that damn hard to break the ice between a bitter bitch and me, right?

Biting my lip as I watched her walk off I took a nice look at her ass. Damn, she got some.
I finished my drink and ordered another one right away. Looking to the right I saw a light-skinned chick with curves. The first thing I recognized were those huge tits.

Imagining what we could do to each other I turned my attention to her and tried my luck.
I leaned over and tugged some of her hair behind her ear "What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" I was trying not to yell which was pretty hard since we were in a club and the music was blasting.
I already noticed that this girl was an easy one.

Just a few drinks, a small talk and I would get anything I could ask for. We chit chatted a little and after a while I could find ourselves on the dance floor.

She was curvy which I liked a lot and man this chick knew how to work that ass. I think her name was Elena or something I can't really remember.
Resting my hands on each of her hips I pulled her closer to my crotch. She put her palms on mine to guide me up and down her sides which was just more of a turn on.

Feeling myself already getting hard I leaned over and pressed my chest against her back. Groaning into her ear I started to grind against her to the beat of the music.

"Fuck, baby" I bit my lip hard as she leaned her head back on my shoulder. The guys were right, I sure as fuck needed some action.
I opened my eyes to look down at her well formed body just to notice that some girl was watching us. She was sitting at the bar, as the neon lights shined on her and I could recognize the face.

It was Layla.



Who is this Layla girl? And why does Justin even bother to talk to her if he knows that she's not interested and hard to get? Let me know what you think in the comments ;)

Love, T

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