Chapter 6

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Instead of staying in bed and cuddling with one of the plenty girls in my contact list that I just called and hooked up with, I quickly got up. I had no time for all that lovey dovey stuff. While scratching my bare chest with my hand I looked around for my briefs. After putting them on just like almost all my other pieces of clothing I glanced over at Natasha. 

She wasn't exactly my type but she sure as fuck knew what to do with that mouth of hers. God, just by thinking about the head that she just gave me before I fucked her senseless I could feel something tighten in my pants again. I briefly shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and swiped my tongue over my bottom lip.

I was holding my shirt in my hands when Natasha crawled over to the end of the bed where I was standing, the bed sheets wrapped around her waist to leave her upper body completely exposed to me. She rested her hand on my stomach, letting me feel her fake nails on my skin and placed a kiss on my v line. Natasha was probably attempting to tease me by doing that while she glanced up at me and poked her bottom lip out.

I can't deny that it flattered me to see what effect I had on her just like I had on a lot of other girls that I used to hook up with, but at some point it starts to get annoying. Especially when you realize that the only things you have in common with them is the interest in having sex.

"Do you really have to leave already?", she almost whispered while her hands traveled up and down the side of my bare upper body. I clenched my jaw while I gazed down at her perfectly formed boobs before I took a step back and left her sitting on the bed all alone. I quickly put my shirt on and ran my fingers through my messy hair. Clearing my throat I nodded my head and slipped my shoes on.

"Got lots of stuff to take care of", I bluntly lied to her with my raspy voice as I made my way over to the door. The girl on the bed frowned at me when I actually opened the door. Giving her one last look I winked at her.

"Just hit me up whenever you have time J!", I could hear her say while I was already on my way out of the house. I shoved my hand into the pocket of my pants and took out a pack of cigarettes along with my lighter and lit one up.

Girls are so easy to fool.

On my way back home I got a call from Leo. Apparently there was a huge party at someone's place tonight and per usual we were invited. I was still unsure about whether I should attend the party or not, but as soon as Leo mentioned that he had some new goods the decision was made.

Right when I was about to take my keys out to unlock the door to our apartment the door flew open and my mom stepped outside. I could tell by the quick peck my mom gave me on my cheek in the midst of walking that she was in a hurry as every so often.

"I'm late for work sweetheart. Provide yourself with some food and don't forget to take care of our guest. I will be home by tonight", she stated.

"The boys and I are hanging out tonight. Just so you know"

She sent me one of those 'Not again' kind of looks and with that she was gone.
I shoved my keys into my pocket after kicking the door shut with my foot behind me.

I jogged up the stairs and furrowed my eyebrows together when I saw a suitcase which was left open in the hallway.

Right, I almost forgot that Layla must have taken some clothes and other stuff with her since she was staying for the rest of the summer. I made my way over to the guest room where I suppose she would reside.

I leaned my side against the door case and looked straight into the room. My lips formed into an amused smirk as I spotted Layla with her back once again facing me but this time half naked. She was wearing really tight yoga pants, which made her ass look even bigger. Other than that she had nothing else on.

It seemed like she didn't hear my footsteps when I came upstairs or she just didn't care.

I cleared my throat and in that moment she turned her head to me with her eyebrows raised at me. She covered her chest with a random shirt that she was holding in her hand.

"Never heard of privacy you perv?", she spat at me and quickly put on her shirt.
I purposely took my time to travel up from her legs with my eyes, across her stomach and then abruptly stopped when I reached her chest.

I seductively traced my tongue over my lips at the sight of her cleavage that she was basically shoving right into my face.

"Hello! I asked you something.", that's when I noticed that I haven't even replied to her stupid question.

"Not my fault that you are walking around in my apartment with barely anything on", I quickly glanced down at her boobs again before I adverted my gaze back to her face and sent her a cheeky grin "But I mean I'm not complaining. I don't mind if you're going to walk around like this for the rest of the summer whenever I'm around."

With that she took a few steps forward into my direction.

"We will see" was all she said. And before I knew she placed her hand on my chest to push me and shut the door right in front of my face.

Layla's POV:

I have to admit that I did hear Justin walk up the stairs but I didn't expect him to walk right in on me while I was getting changed. I could tell that he was full of himself. I can't deny that he didn't look good. His tattoos complimented his well trained body and tanned skin. His hair had a golden shiny color but in a healthy way. Nonetheless his cocky charisma already pissed me off and I haven't even been here for a day.

After a while I walked into the hallway and dragged my suitcase back into my room and began to settle in. Just as I was about to do my hair in the bathroom I saw someone through the mirror standing behind me in the doorway. I rolled my eyes in annoyance when I noticed that it was Justin again.

"I made something quick for dinner. If you wanna join me just come downstairs.", he announced before he left again. 


This chapter was actually supposed to be a longer one but then I decided to make two chapters out of it. So sorry for the short chapter. I will update soon!

Love, T

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