1· Cloud Dancer.

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Oh, the clouds are so soft. Yes, indeed only the Lord, our holly father could of made these white balls of happiness. And for the sun shine so beautifully through it with its bleeding colours. This is my favorite part of day, where the pink and orange emerge, this is also when I sneak away from my home in heaven to see what the humans on earth are up to. The Lord said they are a bit of shame to him, for he did hand craft them and counted every hair on there heads, just like he did mine. He also said to never mimic there ways because a human is only trouble, regardless of how much he loves them. The other angels back in heaven make the human world sound like a living hell, but from up here the waters are calm, the storms are beautiful and the little lights on the ground all around look something out of gods mouth, extremely wonderfully beautiful. Every human is different and truly beautiful. They almost look nothing like the angels we have here. Where angels have white milky hair and pails skins(porcaline if you will.) with only blue or green eyes, flushed cheeks and red lips, humans have brown and black hair. My word the other day I saw a girl with ivory skin and purple hair. God surly made her special, and she had these beautiful winglike pattern on the small lids of her eyes. Just magnificent. Truly interesting and something to be curious about.

I want to go to the human world one day, even if its for a minute or two, just to meet a human. I bet they sound different and are as kind as God's stories tell. Although Jesus thought otherwise. He was once on earth you know. I never quite understood why he left. Although my wings are still little and I am only 15 years of age, I will fly far.

One day I was lightly dancing on the clouds as I was seeing the humans do from down belowe, gracefull. Well thats how I see it. But the angels have latly been strange, telling me 'you're just like those humans.' what is that supposto mean? They also said I am only causing trouble. But I don't understand. I was only doing the things like the humans do, if God said they only do good, what was I doing wrong? I truly thought the Lord would like the idea. Yes, THOUGHT . The trumpets sounded and I rushed back home.

"My dear darling, angel Lucas wants a word with you. The hole heaven was looking for you! You weren't looking at those human folk again, where you?"

I know it was a sin to lie, and God sees all but I just had to in the moment. Just a white lie thats all, I see the humans do it more than daily. And if God could forgive them for it, surely who could do the same for me.

"Yes Angel Luke, you wanted to see me?"

I said lightly noking on his golden door.

"Sit Angel Shadow."

I rather say nothing about his harsh tone and stop down, lifting my short white dress under in bumb, sitting up strait and alert, pressing my lips together.

"Seriously Shadow? Lying to Delanie, not praying, sleeping in bible study? Using human cross launge?!"

"But I thought-"

"No Shadow, what has gotten into you? But nothing! You know you aren't supsto come near the humans, but yet you don't listen to the rules that should be followed! Shame you, did any of the angels raise you to be like this?"

"But Angel Luke I-"

He cutts me off by rubbing his long blond hair out of the way, as the suddenly icy brees sweeps his curls into his face.

"You will be sent to earth."

"To earth?!"

I said with a big smile all exited, but Luke looked up to me frowning. I clear my throught changing my face to look devastated seeing that he could get quite annoyed by me.

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