Pick up lines and milkshakes?

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"Um... may I have 3 triple chocolate milkshakes" I told the cashier. It took her about 5 minutes then she was back with 3 delicious looking drinks.
"Honey you won't stay that size for ever." She warned me and handing my drinks.
"Uh...thanks for the drinks and the advice" I bit my lip and walked towards Olaf and Anna.
"Ohhhhhhhhh milkshakes" anna and olaf said at the same time. I giggled and sat down. Anna and olaf are really my only friends. It use to be just me but luckily my parents moved and let me come out of the room. Before we moved here my parents made me lock myself into my room to keep anna, olaf, and everybody else safe from my ice powers.
"Elsa" anna snapped her fingers at me and woke me from my thoughts "you were in a daze again"
"Oh sorry" I sipped my milkshake. "Mmmmmmm"
"Anna look at that funky looking donkey over there" olaf whispered into her ear. Let's just say Anna and Olaf aren't the sharpest tools in the box.
"Oh my gosh let's go talk to him" Anna jumped out of her seat and started to head over there.
"Anna wait" I yelled and tried to grab her wrist but she got away. "He is a human" I muttered to myself. Hopefully that guy won't mind a 6 and 16 year old asking him if he was a donkey. I started laughing at the thought. I took out my book from my purse and started reading.


I sipped my mint chocolate milkshake while listening to my friends conversation. I know what you are thinking, what the snowflakes happened to the popular Jack Frost. Well this is what happened. I was all popular and everything until I fell into a frozen lake. Luckily I was safe but when I lost my dark brown hair and eyes, and my tan skin nobody liked me anymore. My face was replaced with blue eyes, pale skin, and white gleaming hair. I also got a stick which allows me to fly and make frost and snow. On that day I found out who were my real friends and they were bunny (aka Aster), toothina (aka tooth), north, and sandy everybody else just ditched me. Even my girlfriend Rapunzel.
" I'm probably the best flirter in the world" bunny bragged.
"Yeah right" i shot back.
"Well let's see about that", bunny raised his fist " tooth pick out victims".
"Uh... okay... I got it jack what about that girl sitting alone with the platinum hair and bunny what about that red head" tooth pointed out the girls to each of us.
"Oh it is on kangaroo" I smirked at him.
"Who ever gets there phone number 1st wins" tooth raises her hand and started to count down. "One , tooth, and 3." I casually walked over toward the girl.


They leaned in and...
"Hey are you from Tennessee because you are the only ten I see" a guy with snowy white hair rudely interrupted me from the best part of the book. I started laughing my head off.
"That was the stupidest pick up line I ever heard" I said still laughing.
"Oh do you have a better one" he challenged and sat down across from me.
I had to think for awhile but I finally came up with one. "Are you a duck because you are aQUACKive" I tried to hold myself from laughing bit the guy obviously couldn't hold it back. He just let it go.
"Huh got anything better" I challenged him and raised an eyebrow.
"What is your name" he asked.
"Oh um elsa" I gave him a lopsided grin.
"Well I'm Jack" he smirked " well than excuse me elsa, are you related to my keyboard?"
"No" I gave him a bewildered look.
"Well you are my type" he smirked again.
"Oh my god that was bad" I started laughing like there was no tommorw. About 1 hour later of joking about pick up lines we started to get serious. We talked about life and that.
"Okay 1 more pun" Jack looked me straight into my eye kinda of like he was pleading me to say yes.
"Sure" I said and took a sip of my milkshake.
" Do you believe in true love or should I walk by again?" He smirked again.
" Oh my gosh that was good" I went up to get anna. " I have to go"
"Wait" jack yelled and grabbed my wrist, "can I have your number?"
I shrugged "sure" I wrote my number on a napkin and gave it to him.
"See you around" he smiled and walked off to his friends. I smiled and found anna talking to a guy with long sideburns.


I walked over to the red head. "Hey beauty" I smirked. She looked up from my phone and gave me a deaf glare. "Whoa calm down" I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her. It felt weird to have frizzy red hair in my face but whatever. She pulled my arm off her and punch square in my face.
"Don't you ever say that to ye ever again" she yelled and stormed off.
-------------------40 minutes later-----+++----

Anna told me that she would catch up with me later after she takes olaf to disney world (yeah that's right we live in Florida). I was about 5 minutes from home when I heard someone running behind me. I turned around and saw Jack. "Hey are you following me" I yelled at him.
"Oh sorry my parents told me to follow my dreams" he yelled and caught up to me. I giggled.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes and no. Well my house is right there" he pointed to the house next to mine.
"Well I guess I will be seeing lots more of you." I smiled. Wait why did I smile. " I like right next to you" I pointed to the house next to his.
"Well I sure hope you know CPR" he smirked.
"Why does someone choke slot at your house or something" I asked. To be honest I was a little bit worried.
"No because you take my breath away" he smirked at me again. I mean it how many times does this guy smirk. I playfully punched him on his arm.
" If I could arrange the alphabet I would put you and I together" I challenged him.
" Did it hurt when you fell from heaven" he said and gave me a game on face.
" Your feet gotta be tired because you've been running through my mind all day" I quickly yelled and started running towards my front door.
"Hey" was all I heard from Jack before I slammed the door. I whipped my phone out and texted him.

Elsa~ italic
Jack~ bold

I win
In your dreams
No I said the last pick up line
Jack Frost never looses
Har har har
Gtg see u later

1203 words.

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