Chapter 3

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T.D.E group at the top.

Cellcía P.O.V

   Oh shit, Kendrick Lamar just walked into my shop.
   Smiling I raised my hand to shake his, his warm palm touched mine and completely engulfed my hand. Clearing my throat I looked up into his warm, brown eyes,

"Hi I'm Cellcía Donovan, welcome to 'Pastries and Beyond'." I say sweetly, giving him a toothpaste commercial smile. His smile broadened and he squeezed my hand a little,

"Pretty name, to go with a gorgeous woman," Kendrick replied, releasing my hand.

  "My name is Kendrick," he introduced himself,

  "This is Herbert, Quincey, and that's Johnny." Kendrick introduces the rest of his group, like I ain't already know who they were. The man has manners,

"Well Kendrick, you and your crew are here to try my goods?" I asked, walking behind my counter.

"I sure as hell wanna try your chocolate  goods baby!" winked Quincey (aka: Schoolboy), looking down at my breasts.

"Hey, hey," María snapped her fingers infront of Quincey's face.

"You betta move ya eyes back to her face," she threatened  putting her hands on her shapely hips, Quincey raised his hands and backed up. The rest of the guys laughed as María humphed, and went to service Herbert. Laughing, I turned back to Kendrick who was staring at me intensly.

"What can I do for you?" I asked, as I walked behind a pastry case an motioned for him to pick.

"Umm, I wan this eclair, that donut, awe shit this strudel, and that cheesecake!" He said in a little kid tone, smiling I got a plate and put all the food he wanted on it. I handed him the plate, he took it with a nod and went off to eat with his boys.

"So what do you think of him?" María came to stand beside me, we watched the men devour their food. I shrugged,

"He's mad chill, and I like his style he's really cute. But the thug/street act he got goin on I don't know, I pictured him more poetic." I said eye balling him,

  Is it wrong of me, wrong of me to feel a little disappointed? I had pegged him as more poetic, yes with some roughness around the edges. But I feel like my fantasy was just destroyed, goes to show never judge a book by its cover. When you find out the truth, you'll just end up hurt in the end.

"Hey Ceeeeell!! Are you in there?" María poked my head, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry bae, I was thinking," I said smiling sheepishly. María waved her hand dismissevly, and smiled sadly.

"I know what you want in a guy Cel, but there are still good guys out there, even if they aren't Mr. Perfect." She says as she looks at Herbert, he must of felt her gaze on him because he turned and winked at her. María giggled girlishly, and pranced off to sit beside him.

   María is right, reality can be a straight bitch, and always wakes me back up from my dreams. I will find my man, and he may not even be sweet, kind loving man I want. But I'll know he'll treat me right, make me smile, give me an awesome home, and maybe even a football team of kids. But I will never know until, I get out there and look for the man of my realities.

"Yo ma you in there?" A hand waved in front of my face, startled my eyes focused on Johnny (aka: Jay Rock). He's not all that, but Johnny got this personna bout him. Confident in the way he carries himself, inteligent in the way he speaks.

  Look women out there, not all the good men are dumb sexy in this world.

"I'm sorry, I tend to let my mind wander." I say giggling softly, he chuckled,

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