Chapter 16

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    I woke up with a start, my body felt dumb hot under the comforter. So I tossed my legs up, trying to kick the hefty blanket off my body.

   I felt the bed shift, and I froze, oh shit, oh shit whose in my bed?!

  Think Cell, no I didn't get drunk, didn't go clubbing.

  "Babe what are you doing up? It's only 645," a deep voice grumbled, I screamed hard and punched the guy in the face. It's still dark, so I couldn't see his face. I grabbed my pillow, and began whacking.

  "Damn it! Stop!" Whack!

  "It's Me!" Whack!

  "Kendrick!" I stopped in mid whack,

  "Kendrick?" Oh yeaa, he did sleep over.

  "Dang Cellcía,  bout broke a niggas nose!" he groaned, I turned the bed side light on. He was leaned on the headboard,  massaging his nose.

  "I'm sorry Kendrick, " I kissed his nose. Then proceeded to hop out of bed,

  "Yo ma where you going? " Kendrick asked, I busied myself with tying my robe.

  "Kids have school, duh." I winked at him, and walked out my room.

  "But my Goodmorning kiss?!" Kendrick yelled. I ran back into my room, and gave him a quick peck.

  "Yo what kind of kiss was that?" He questioned,

  "It's called a peck. Now go take a shower, ya butt stank!" I yelled running out my room,

  "I got you later ma!" Kendrick yelled out laughing, Chuckling I made my way to the boys room first.

Waking my slumbering "angels", is always a chore. Especially with Brandon, that boy I swear would sleep his life away. I somehow got kicked in my butt, and was sprawled out on their floor. Brandon claims it was an accident, but I was kicked way too hard in the booty. Finally I got them both out their beds, and to their bathroom to wash they faces.

  I went to Teena's room next, I opened the door and found no one there. The bed was perfectly made, but no Teena. I ran down the steps, and first looked in the living room. Nope, then the Game room, nope. Last I looked in the kitchen, yes. She was at the island eating a bowl of cereal,

  "Hey girlie." I greeted getting my boys box of cereal,

  "Goodmorning Cellcía." She smiled, showing straight pearly whites.

  "I hope you don't mind.." she says gesturing to her now empty bowel.

  "Oh no, not at all." I reassured her, setting milk, bowls, spoons and fruit out.

  "You still go to school?" I asked starting the coffee,

  "Yes ma'am.  I go to Jefferson High," I nodded pouring cereal in the boys bowl. Her school is only 5 minutes away from the boys, I looked at her and remembered clothes!

  "Okay, I'll drop the boys off, and we'll go shopping for some clothes for you. Then I'll drop you off," I said moving to the coffee pot,

  "No Cellcía you don't have too." She refused shaking her head,

  "Nope I don't,  but I want to." I said in a tone, that'd quickly stop anymore arguments.

  "Maaa, breakfast ready?" Brandon called, as my boys ran down the steps.

  "Quit that running, and yes, just pour the milk. Hurry up, you have 10 minutes." They nodded and began to eat, chatting with Teena.

  I walked back up the steps to my room, hearing the shower running. Looking at the clock I knew I'd have no time to wait for Kendrick to get out. I stripped down, and walked to the bathroom.

  "Kendrick I have to join you," I called to him through the shower door.

  "C'mon in here with the big Monster," he replied, rolling my eyes I climbed in.

  "Why you calling yourself-," I stopped looking at his God blessed body. My eyes traveled everywhere, slowly roaming down. All the way down to the monster in his hands,

  "Oh, erm. How bout them Spurs?"


"Hurry up get in the car!" I yelled, one by one the kids got in. I gave Kendrick a kiss goodbye, he had some business to do. So I won't be seeing him until later.

  Hurriedly I got in my black Dodge Charger, speeding out my parking lot. Messing around with Kendrick had me late, finishing the boys up and getting them out.

  Kendrick wanted to be a jerk, and start rubbing up on my pleasure points. Had a bítch swooning, knees weak and all.

  I made it in record time, getting the boys to school right when the bell rang.

  "Alright Tee, it's just me and you." I smiled over to her, she smiled back and we peeled out.


Just a filler chapter really, just something to give you guys.

Next chapter will be the shopping trip and more.

What do you all believe will happen?

Easy going trip?

Drama filled?




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