Fantasy; The Flawed Yet Fun Genre In Fiction

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  Who doesn't love a great fantasy story?  They stretch the limits of our imagination, making the impossible a reality.  You can ride a two-horned unicorn through the sky, become a bloodsucking vampire or cannibalistic werewolf, live in a world without water, and walk on walls with seemingly no explanation needed.  As fun and imaginative the fantasy genre can be for most people, there exists a serious flaw that seemingly should be easily avoidable.  Fantasy stories are leeched in unoriginal plots, which always have the same ideas.  Despite this though, they somehow still manage to sell, even if they are formulaic.  This is a sad fate a great genre of fiction has fallen victim to, and I say, it needs to change.

  Although it is said no idea is a bad idea, being formulaic just creates a precedent for copycat authors to exist.  Originality disappears into thin air as a result of this, and any original idea such as The Harry Potter series, Interview With A Vampire, and The Warriors series become a one in a million rarity.  Clichés in current plot formulas are bogging the originality this genre could be capable of, which needs to change.  I saw it is time to kick the bucket out of these issues, and finally make these clichés rest in peace.  It is time to inspire great imagination and spit on these hundred fantasy clichés that have tainted fiction.

One Hundred Fantasy Clichés That Really Need To Rest In Peace  Where stories live. Discover now