Prologue : There meant to be together

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* Long long time ago in Idris in the Shadowhunter World at the Lightwood Estate*

One morning at the Lightwood Estate, Jace and Nadia Wayland were sent to live with Maryse and Robert Lightwood along with their own children, then that morning Jace and his beloved sister went to get acquainted with their new family.

So inside the living room the 3 children was waiting for them so Jace and Nadia came in with Maryse and Robert Lightwood and so Maryse introduced them to her children Alec, Isabelle , and Max Lightwood but when Nadia was introduced to Alec sparks bloomed between them and Marsye could see that with her son and her new edition of her family.

Then from then on the 4 of them became good friends Nadia and Isabelle became parabatai as well as Alec and Jace, then they trained together to kill Demons and Forsaken to protect the Shadowhunters and Mundanes from these dangers, but Alec and Nadia were the same age she was older than Jace by a minute.

And so then one night at the Lightwood Estate in Idris that night in the Family garden, so then Alec and Nadia met up in the garden wearing normal formal clothes that they want to wear even for them to impress each other, but then as they sat on the bench together so Alec held Nadia's hand and they talked about their future together.

The last thing they ever said to each other as they gazed into one another's eyes was that Alec said" I will protect you and love for as long as I live," then Nadia giggled like a school girl from the mundane world, then Nadia held Alec ' s hand and said" And I Nadia Wayland- Lightwood will love and protect you for as long as I live," and so then Alec and Nadia sealed that promise with a kiss.

( Nadia Wayland - Lightwood age 15)

( Nadia Wayland - Lightwood age 15)

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( Alec Lightwood age 15)

* As a few years had passed by for the two young shadowhunters in New York City at the Institute*

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* As a few years had passed by for the two young shadowhunters in New York City at the Institute*

( Nadia Wayland - Lightwood age 20 )

( Nadia Wayland - Lightwood age 20 )

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( Alec Lightwood age 20 )

Finally after these many years Alec, Jace, and Isabelle were sent to the New York City Institute, so then Hodge had his star fighters train hard before their next mission, so then as they were training Nadia Wayland - Lightwood was in the Mundane ...

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Finally after these many years Alec, Jace, and Isabelle were sent to the New York City Institute, so then Hodge had his star fighters train hard before their next mission, so then as they were training Nadia Wayland - Lightwood was in the Mundane world over seeing Jocelyn's daughter Clary Fray or Clarissa Fairchild.

So as Nadia was friends with Clary and Jocelyn knows this even if the block on her daughters mind was fading away and memories were slowly returning, danger was coming to hurt the Fray Family so Jocelyn put Clary under Nadia's care so then Clary, Simon, and Nadia spent time for her 18th birthday.

*Skip ahead of time where Jace, Alec, Nadia, and Isabelle follow the Shapeshifter to the Pandemonium*

Then with that Simon and Clary had gone to the Pandemonium Club with Nadia where Alec, Isabelle , and Jace were awaiting her arrival as well, then Nadia was dressed into an outfit that would attract all demons to her and Izzy also Magnus Bane would keep an eye out for any Circle members.

But as the mission was doing just fine Clary had no clue about the Shadowhunter World at all or any other information on Demons as well, then Nadia saw Alec at the Vegetable stand as an old Asian man who was really a shapeshifter was walking minding it's own business with Alec and Nadia on its tail but on the rooftops following slowly and signalling Izzy that it was her turn.

And so then from then on the 4 Shadowhunters fought the demons and shape shifters, and Clary ran off back to her loft apartment where she lived with her mother but noticed that her mom wasn't there so she was alone , so as that happened the 4 Shadowhunters had went back to the Institute where they'll be safe from harm and be protected.

So then once everyone had got back to the Institute Alec had pulled Nadia into his bedroom, and the two sat on his bed talking about their promises to each other and thats when they finally confessed on how they truly felt qbout each other after all these years, that's when everyone in that Institute knew that Alec and Nadia were really meant to be together.

End of the Prologue : There meant to be together *

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