Chapter 2: We're gonna what Jace!

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* Meanwhile at the New York Institute Jace, Alec, Isabelle , and Nadia were in the heart of the Institute talking about if they should explain to Clary about what Shadowhunters are as well as the runes*

In the heart of the Institute the 4 Shadowhunters were having a debate on whether they should ask Clary about the runes and the night at the Pandemonium Club as well, but Jace agreed that he would do it once she wakes up with the healing rune on her neck, then Nadia said" We're gonna what Jace !," then Jace and Nadia talked about how she's gonna help him convince her to stay.

Then with that Alec and Isabelle went on a walk through the halls and talked about the Mortal cup and about Nadia, then in the infirmary Clary was waking up as Jace and Nadia were sat in their chairs with Simon beside Clary ' s bed. So then as they were talking about how Jace was gonna explain the situation to Clary, Nadia fell asleep on her chair with a blanket that Alec had given her for her 16th birthday she remembers it like it was only yesterday.

* Many years ago in Idris at the Lightwood Estate *

"Alec come play sword fighting with me, said a young 16 year old Nadia who was beautiful and strong also in love with the boy who loved her back, then in the garden a 16 year old Alec agreed to play with his adopted sister to make her happy.

In the garden the two of them didn't know that they were being watched by their parents Marsye and Robert Lightwood from inside the living room window, so Maryse watched as her eldest child fell in love with Nadia Wayland she knew that one day they were gonna be married in a traditional Shadowhunter Wedding.

Then that evening at dinner everyone was celebrating both Alec and Nadia's birthdays that night during dinner, presents had been exchanged to them from their family then Alec handed Nadia her birthday present she had opened the box to see a beautiful blanket with her and Alec ' s initials on them before giving him his present and he opened it to see new specialized arrows that were already runed along with a beautiful bow to go with the arrows.

And so then that night after everyone had just gone to bed Alec and Nadia were sleeping in the same bed together in Nadia's bedroom, then Nadia held Alec's hand as they were falling asleep and said" Thank you for such a wonderful birthday Alec I love you," then she fell into a peaceful slumber with Alec wrapping his arms around her waist as they slept that night on their birthdays.
* End of Flashback*

Back in the present day, Nadia was still asleep and Alec had carried her to her bedroom as everyone was so busy doing things for the Clave, so then as Alec placed Nadia underneath the blankets he sat beside her on her bed and kissed her forehead and said" I love you to Nadia always and forever , " then with that he left to speak with Jace, Isabelle, Clary, and Simon in the library.

* Nadia's bedroom*

* Nadia's bedroom*

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( Alec ' s bedroom)

*End of Chapter 2: We're gonna what Jace ! *

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*End of Chapter 2: We're gonna what Jace ! *

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