Chapter 4: The Silent Brothers

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* Finally after waiting for Clary had waken up at the Institute *

Nadia's POV :

 (Nadia's  outfit )

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(Nadia's outfit )

Then at the Institute everyone was training in the training room well Alec and Isabelle were as I watched and kept track of who was getting better at certain work out training, as for Jace and Clary they went to get Simon ready for our mission later on if Clary has any ideas who took her mother.

As for me I feared what was to come if we kept breaking Clave rules we broke probably half of the laws already without getting permission to go on a mission, so right now the Lightwood family were in charge of this Institute, but if we keep breaking the law they won't be for much longer.

Anyways after last night I felt safe with Alec beside me, I loved him since we were both children but I was never sure if he ever loved me at all, then again I'm sure that he doesn't love me like the way I love him.

And Dot a friend of Jocelyn was dead when Valentine and his men killed her to get information about Clary and she refused to give him anything, so we're gonna save Simon from the Vampires before finding Dot.


Alec's POV :

So as we followed Valentine's daughter to find a friend of her mother whose possibly dead, but we all stopped since we lost the trail and Clary couldn't feel Dots pressence, then I looked at Nadia I loved her so much but things were bad enough already without breaking the law that we Shadowhunters follow .

I just wish that I could tell her that I love her, I knew that she loves me and I've been treating her like she doesn't matter to me .

Everyone's POV :

We all looked at each other and silence filled the room, before Jace looked at Alec, Isabelle , and Nadia and the 3 of them all said" No way," or" Don't even," or this" Absolutely not," They were against the whole thing, but Jace wasn't afraid to see the Silent brothers, then Nadia said " Jace she hasn't got the proper training for such thing," as Isabelle explained to Clary what the Silent brothers do.

* End of Chapter 4: The Silent brothers *

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