Chapter 3: Where am I

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* Finally weeks later at the Institute in New York City *

So in the infirmary room Clary woke up and Jace and Simon were explaining to her what the runes do, so then Clary thought how attractive Jace was but then as Jace was explaining to her she said " Um can you tell me where I am," then Jace said" Your at the Institute," then Alec and Nadia walked in and Nadia said " Why is there a mundane in here especially 2 in the institute," then Alec said" Am i the only one that finds this unusual," but Jace beat his parabatai to it and said " You find everything unusual Alec," then with that being said Jace had showed Clary around the place showing Clary the ropes, but as the two of them walked Alec had interfered as they were showing the new Shadowhunter to the heart of the Institute the library itself.

* The heart  of  the  Institute  *

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* The heart of the Institute *

Then that day Clary was in the library looking at old pictures of the old days with her mother in it, then on the top stairs Alec and Jace were watching Clary look around and as they were Nadia appeared in the doorway and saw the two boys watching the new Shadowhunter, so she said" Why don't we just leave Clary to Hodge he'll take care of her for now as the Silent brothers prepare for her arrival," so the 3 of them left the library and went to the training room to train as Isabelle trained with her brother and best friend as Nadia had went back to her room to take a nap for a few hours.

After a full day had gone by everyone had gone to their rooms to sleep since they have a party to attend to tomorrow night at the Pandemonium or Taki's restaurant that Magnus Bane owns, then after dinner the Shadowhunters and the Mundane slept and rested up for a few hours, then Alec and Nadia were dreaming about everything.

* Nadia's bedroom *

* Nadia's  bedroom  *

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