Chapter 1: Let's see what you got

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* Finally weeks later at the Institute in the training room that day*

*  Finally  weeks  later  at  the  Institute  in the  training  room  that  day*

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Nobody's  POV:

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Nobody's POV:

So then in the training room Alec and Isabelle were training together as Jace went out to get there new Shadowhunter, so Nadia watched as her boyfriend and best friend and parabatai were doing well in training, but Nadia could take out Alec in training as well, then Nadia whispered to herself " Let's see what you got Alec".

Then Nadia stepped behind Alec and by surprise took him down and pinned him to the mat as Izzy took a break from train for hours with her dear brother, but of course Alec and Nadia were the just same in skills and experience in fighting with the speed rune on them it made it more exciting.

But as the two lovers were training Isabelle , Hodge, and Jace were watching the two Shadowhunters fight against each other, then once Nadia had pinned Alec to the ground 10 times on the same mat Alec gave up, as Nadia was walking away Alec attempted one more attack but Nadia flipped Alec over her and he landed on his butt again.

And so then Nadia walked out with Isabelle and help Isabelle cook dinner for everyone before checking up Clary and her mundane friend Simon for the time being as Isabelle followed her parabatai ' s instructions to make pasta with her secret sauce as Jace and Alec talked about what to do with Clary and Simon since Jocelyn is missing but Nadia figured that she would be held captive by Valentine himself.

Sorry if this chapter is to short I just can't think of anything.

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