Jongyu - Puppy Eyes

2.4K 32 6

In which Jinki is a painter who recently moved to Seoul and ends up infatuated with football playing student Jonghyun.

Contains smut
Wordcount: 6,6K

Edit: Keeping the "plot", I basically changed up the whole thing because it was shit before. Now it's a little less shit :) yay! (Still pretty shit)

Jinki took his first walk after moving to Seoul from Gwangmyeong bordering up to the capital. As much as Jinki had desired to get away from home, he was still feeling the nerves that come with living all alone for the first time. That is why he was comforted by the relatively close proximity to where he was born and raised. Jinki had found it rather enjoyable to be able to step out onto his new balcony in the morning and realise he only would need his thin jacket today. He put it on with a smile on his face, already enjoying the walk he was about to go on, nearly forgetting the responsibilities that a new day alone brought. Lately, his head had been filled with those worries and the memories of a simpler time.

The air feels just as comfortable on street level, Jinki noted once he stepped out of the building. Jinki loved long walks, especially in the spring. It was the time of year where everyone and everything felt hopeful and happy, just like Jinki always did, even in this big new city where he only knew a couple of people beforehand. His worries vanished with the breeze that hit his face gentle and with that, his surroundings became a dear friend. The city was company enough for him.

He took a deep breath to feel the comfort rush through him before his feet carried him down his little street. With each step something new would catch his eye; everything from a building's colour to little bumps in the road. He stuck his hands in his pockets and wrapped one hand around his small sketchbook, lying safely in the depth of his right trouser pocket as always and decided to take a right turn where he had spotted a small park earlier that week.

Jinki loved when city and nature would clash. To him, it was as if they had made a compromise to live in between each other in a happy unison. Jinki liked to imagine that city and nature had sat down and discussed the matter over a warm cup of tea some solemn afternoon and come to a mutual agreement so they could live peacefully together. Peace was important to Jinki. This was one of the reasons he liked walking; it was peaceful. Even in a stressful city, it was peaceful to him.

Jinki spotted a football team practising on the other side of the park. Jinki never understood sports but found it fascinating nevertheless. He walked mindlessly (no, Jinki never did something mindlessly) in their direction and made a subtle skip for the bench nearby, where he sat and watched the group of young men play. Now Jinki was very honest with himself; he knew that the reason he had sat down to watch football of all things, was partly that he was somewhat interested in men. He watched as they continuously ran after the ball with determination and beads of sweat making their way down their foreheads. A few took their red and white shirts off when they had the chance.

Jinki took out his sketchbook and began to draw a certain one of them, one he had found the most captivating. He tried to catch the details of his face as he ran up and down the field not quite as close as Jinki would like him to. He had quickly noted the prominent cheekbones, the pink lips and the slightly bushy eyebrows. Jinki's drawing was finished about the same time as the game. The men all scattered around in a circle that broke a few minutes later, all of them leaving in different directions. Jinki noted the time and the weekday. He would come back, he was sure and it was better to simply roll with it than to lie to himself.

As Jinki walked home, he pictured the same face he had drawn, lining out his features in his mind. Somehow all of those lines gathered together into something more perfect than Jinki thought possible. Not even Jinki's drawing skill could quite live up to those godly shapes. He closed his eyes for a second to properly see his face before him again and found he had to reach for his sketchbook to see the drawing again. That night he pleasured himself, thinking of him. He felt it needed as the image of the man's face had not left his mind for a single second that day. Was it creepy? Maybe a little bit, Jinki had to admit in the self-deprecating aftermath of what a tiny infatuation had led him to do.

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