Jongyu - Under the Blue Light | part 1/2

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In which Jonghyun saves Jinki from a bad situation and conversation starts to flow.

Wordcount: 3,1K

Bathed in blue light Jinki felt the man's arm wrap around his chest, dragging him outside. The reason why he had felt his legs go numb within seconds was unknown to him still. There was much for Jinki to be confused about as he looked back at the many eyes staring his way. They too seemed to be just as confused as Jinki himself. Not being able to do much about the situation he smiled and nodded at the staring eyes. He found that to make the eyes look even more confused. Finally, Jinki was free from the eyes as the doors to the club closed behind them. The man put him over his shoulder without a word.

"Uhm excuse me..." Jinki began, trying to engage contact with the man making his face red from the blood rushing there. The man hummed. "Where are we- actually can you put me down or something? The blood is rushing to my face and I'm getting lightheaded." Jinki was pulled off the still nameless man's shoulder and was now being carried bridal style instead.

"You still can't walk I'll have to carry you all the way." The man looked straight forward as he walked. This enabled Jinki to stare at his face without the awkward eye contact that would usually follow this.

"Very well. All the way to where, though?" Jinki asked, still not satisfied with his lack of knowledge on what exactly was going on.

"My place. I'm Jonghyun by the way. Kim Jonghyun." His gaze had yet to have flickered from the pavement right in front of him.

"Is this some really creative way to get me into your bed or?" Jinki smiled widely at the stranger Kim Jonghyun, enjoying his own funny remark. Jonghyun looked amused for a short moment.

"No. I'm saving you from a rather unpleasant situation."

"Am I gonna be getting more out of you than that?" Jinki raised an eyebrow, staring at Jonghyun's intense face.

"When we get inside." The rest of the walk was quiet. It was late, much later than Jinki had intended or wanted it to be. The streets were emptied of people and the only traceable sounds were the calming clacking of Jonghyun's boots on the asphalt and the occasional car driving by. Jinki began to wonder how long it would take Jonghyun to get tired from carrying him. Jinki wasn't overweight but he was a grown man nevertheless. Still, Jinki could not trace a single sign of him wearing out. Jonghyun turned to a door and stopped in front of it.

"What do we do now?" Jinki asked, still not able to as much as feel his legs.

"Hold on tightly to my neck," Jonghyun instructed and Jinki did as told. Jonghyun bent down and sat Jinki's feet down on the ground. Of course, they wobbled without Jinki's control. Jonghyun stood back up holding Jinki's back for support as he pulled his keys out with the other hand. "I should have just thrown you back over my shoulder," Jonghyun said with a pained face as Jinki tried to keep his whole body up by clinging to Jonghyun's neck.

"That would have been smart," Jinki said as Jonghyun began shuffling Jinki onto his back, holding onto his legs. "Neat," Jinki said and kept his arms around Jonghyun's neck. He walked up the stairs with Jinki on his back and unlocked his door with less difficulty than the first one. Jinki took in everything he could as Jonghyun carried him into the living room and dumped him on the sofa.

"Are you comfortable?" Jonghyun asked, standing over him.

"Yeah... Your place is very vintage. I like it a lot." Jinki was too busy looking around the room to pay much attention to Jonghyun's question. That was, of course, until he remembered why he was there. "Oh yeah, by the way. Could you maybe explain why my legs are completely numb?" Jinki asked calmly. Jonghyun nodded and sat down on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

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