Onho - To Be Alone

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In which snoopy classmate Minho finds out that Jinki knows magic.

Wordcount: 4,2K  

Minho trembled with curiosity as he watched Jinki walking alone down the deserted road. The outskirts of Seoul were more or less cleaned of people this late at night, which gave Jinki some well needed time to breathe in his own tempo. What he had not sensed was Minho's presence. Minho followed after his classmate, curious as to why Jinki had gone this far from town. Was it, like in Minho's case, to be alone?

"Those bastards. If only I could have- if only I was allowed to- urgh." Minho watched Jinki angrily kick a stone, wondering who had pissed him off to this extent. For some reason, he found it impossible to walk away without an explanation. Something about the way that Jinki was muttering to himself so far away from his home had his gaze in a lock around Jinki's suave figure. As Jinki came to a sudden stop in the middle of the road, Minho settled behind a stone wall, keeping as quiet as he possibly could. What caught Minho's eye at that moment was how Jinki reached his hand out in the direction of the stone he had just kicked furiously. Much to Minho's surprise, the action seemed to affect the stone that was lying several metres away from him. His eyes widened as he was trying to convince himself that they were betraying him. In shock at the now floating rock, he threw his hand over his mouth as the stone seemed to be following Jinki's commands. Minho wasn't one to believe in anything supernatural or out of the ordinary but seeing this in front of his own two eyes was evidence enough to make him believe that Jinki possessed some kind of magic as crazy as it sounded in his own head. What made him certain was Jinki clenching his hand into a fist, crushing the stone that was hanging in the air until that moment. Minho gasped as the completely powdered stone rained down onto the asphalt and made a little pile that completely hypnotised Minho. He fell backwards with his gasp. The sound of Minho's bottom landing hard on the pavement accompanied by a grunt, was not loud but too loud. Jinki shot his head towards the spot where Minho was sitting, now nursing his bum from the hit.

"Who's there?" Jinki's voice was stern and with a hint of panic. "Come out or I'll... How much did you see?" Lifting himself off the ground, he decided to comply with Jinki's shaky command hopefully find out more about what the hell he just saw.

"It's just me," Minho laughed nervously at the startled Jinki. He was still in a cramping pain from the fall. "I saw you out here and got curious as to why so I kind of spied on you. Sorry."

"Fuck," Jinki mumbled to himself, pressing a forced smile onto his face. "Minho-yah... You saw that?" Minho was tempted to play dumbstruck but decided to be honest, thinking it would enable him to find some answers as to what he had just seen Jinki do. He nodded as he stepped forward. "Shit, I thought I was alone." Minho watched as Jinki panicked. "Minho." Both of them stood frozen on the empty road. "You can't tell anyone. Promise me to keep this a secret. It's bad enough already that you saw."

"I won't say a word to anyone." Then Minho flashed his mystery of a classmate a big smile, saluting at him, which caused the boy in question to crack a smile for only a short moment. "Tell me more about this, though." Enlightenment was first on his list now that Jinki's solemn face had been cleared.

"It's best if you don't know more than you already do." They began walking back towards the bus stop side by side.

"Please, I promise not to let anyone know. Please," Minho pouted. Jinki sighed. "I'll blackmail you if you don't say yes!" Jinki raised an eyebrow at the pure, uncorrupt eyes of Minho with doubt that there was any substance to those words.

"You wouldn't blackmail anyone..." Minho cracked a good boy smile at these words and it made Jinki smile again - even look away shyly. Now that was odd.

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