Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I sighed, watching him sleep quietly. Pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, I watched with a sad smile as he murmured, turning over and curling up into a small ball to protect himself.

It had been a day since Paul had brought Niall to the castle, ten hours since he’d been healed and brought to my room, and five since he’d been fed and fell asleep.

It took me ages to get him to eat half the plate, even when I could clearly see him eying the food, and I knew he was hungry, but still he refused. It wasn’t until I threatened him to sleep in my closet that he willingly ate the food on the fork.

And barely ate the other ones I offered.

Now he was fast asleep, curled up in my bed and still afraid of me, even in his sleep.

I really need to visit the Irish castle soon. I wanted to get the full story from Niall before I went, however, so maybe the trip would have to wait.

Sitting next to Niall, I quickly but gently pulled the boy onto my lap, his legs beneath him still while he rested against my chest. I gently pulled my hand through his brown, blonde-tipped hair,   smiling as he relaxed slightly, tipping his head up towards my hand.

I pressed another gentle kiss to Niall’s forehead and settled him next to me, moving down until I was lying next to the blue-eyed beauty, pulling him close to me and feeling him relax next to me, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I heard a soft whimper and felt someone shift in my arms, my eyes shooting open to find Niall moving, trying to escape from my grip.

Gently tugging him back, I pressed a kiss to the back of his head.

“Shh, pet. It’s okay.” I murmured quietly, the scent of fear heavily washing over me. Niall stiffened, a stifled whimper escaping him.

“S-sorry, my prince.” Niall quietly said, his voice a little rough and his accent thicker than last night.

Mentally sighing, I merely turned Niall on his other side, so that he was facing me.

“Niall, it’s okay. You won’t be hit if you do something wrong, lovely, okay? You’re safe here, love.” I murmured, looking him in the eyes, letting him know I was being sincere.

“Really?” Was Niall’s whispered reply. I smiled at the hope in his tone, taking his hand and running my thumb over the back of his hand.

“Really.” I replied, lifting his hand and kissing his knuckles. “Now I’d love to stay in bed all day, but Mum and Dad have to talk to me, so I’ve gotta go, but you can stay here lovely, okay?” Niall nodded. I kissed his forehead and slipped out from under the covers, leaving Niall warm and comfortable while I got dressed.

Once I was fully clothed, I walked back over to the bed and brushed my hand through Niall’s hair, waking him up a little.

“Bye lovely.” I murmured, standing and walking away, closing the door and waving my hand over it so it couldn’t be opened from the outside, not by someone other than me or Paul.

Ɏ Niall’s POV Ɏ

I sighed as Harry left the room, leaving me alone in his bed. I was nervous about being here, afraid of being caught and punished for being in the Prince’s bed.

But Harry promised…

But he’s also a Royal.

I sighed, moving to get out of the bed. I knew it wouldn’t last; it would probably happen today, I’d be hit and the process would happen all over again.

Might as well clean to try and soften the blow.

Slipping out from under the warm covers, I shivered in the cold air, picking up the few clothes that lay haphazardly around the room, setting them in a pile before straightening the rest of the room, making the bed and cleaning up the closet. Without having instructions or any idea what to do, I left the bathroom alone and stood in the corner, like the Queen would usually have me do if I finished before she reentered the room- which rarely ever happened.

Not too long, maybe ten minutes later, the door to the bedroom opened and in came the Prince, who narrowed his eyes at the bed before looking up and scanning the room, his green eyes immediately snapping to mine.

“Niall,” He sighed. I bowed my head, mentally cursing myself. Obviously you did something wrong, idiot!

“C’mere, lovely.” Was said before arms enveloped me and carried over to the bed, where he sat with me on his lap. I was facing him, my legs on either side of his waist while one arm rested on my lower back, keeping me stuck there, while the other cupped my face.

He looked over my face, his thumb gently swiping across my cheek. I was afraid to move, scared to make a wrong move and get punished for it.

“I can smell your fear, pet.” Harry murmured. I bowed my head, his hand never leaving my face.

“Sorry, my Prince.” I replied softly, knowing he could hear me.

“You’re going to be a hard one to crack, aren’t you, lovely?” Harry replied, lifting my chin and giving me a lopsided smile. “Remember what I said earlier? About you not being hit and being safe?”

I nodded, confused. Harry chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to my nose.

“I meant it, Niall. You won’t be punished or harmed here, and certainly not while I’m with you, okay?” I nodded again, a little dumbfounded.

Harry grinned again, shifting to sit up a little better.

“What d’ya say to some breakfast? And you will eat something, love.” Harry beat me to saying I shouldn’t get breakfast (because I’d never had breakfast before) with a stern tone and I nodded timidly.

“You stay here then, I’ll be right back, yeah?” And then Harry was standing, placing me in the middle of the bed before he rushed off, closing the door behind him with a louder-than-normal bang.

Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad here.



And chapter three.

So you guys likey the fluffery? (Imagine that in an Italian accent. It be fun!)

Anywho I am somewhat tired and ready to go to sleep as it is ten days until Christmas, and 1:06 in the morning.

(My parents are also going Christmas shopping so I wanna get up while they’re gone)



And still I can’t let you be

Most nights I hardly sleep

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