Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“One more bite lovely, please?” I pleaded with Niall, pressing the fork to his lips. He glanced at me, a certain look in his eyes, and then I realized he was actually playing with me.

I grinned at him. “C’mon, Ni, you do have to eat, okay?” He finally opened his mouth and I gently placed the waffle-laden fork in his mouth, dropping the syrup-and-butter coated waffle in his mouth before removing the fork, watching as he chewed and swallowed, licking his lips slightly. I pressed a kiss to his temple, setting the plate down and tugging Niall into my lap. He tensed slightly, but relaxed a second later. He was still a little guarded though, and fear still mixed with the air, but it was lesser than it had been when he first came here.

Niall had been here for two weeks now, and I was slowly gaining his trust. He wasn’t afraid of me touching him- much, anyway- and I could actually get him to eat now. He was still fearful of others, as seen when Liam visited from Wolverhampton with Louis.


"Lou, don’t be so loud. Niall’s still not very comfortable and I don’t want you scaring him.” I warned Louis, fighting to keep my smile down as Liam stepped behind him, encasing him in a hug, pressing a kiss to his neck.

“I won’t scare him, Haz.” Louis rolled his eyes, pulling away from Liam- albeit he looked very reluctant to do so- and marching over to my door. “Now let’s go meet him!” With that, Louis opened the door and basically burst in.

Niall jumped from his position on my bed- I had sat him in the middle of the bed, promising no one would hurt him- and trembled against the pillows, blue eyes wide with fear as he stared at Louis.

With Louis standing in the middle of the room, I made my way over to Niall, sitting next to him and pulling him into my lap, feeling his shaking slow slightly, though his was still very afraid.

As Louis talked, he accidentally activated his powers- it was common whenever he got overexcited, though it was clearly scaring Niall. I could hear him whimper softly as he trembled, shrinking back into my chest and huddling there.

Thankfully, with Liam being the ever-attentive person he was, noticed Niall and went to calm Louis down, sitting him in the chairs I had in the corner of my room, complete with a table for tea.

Niall calmed down slightly while he did this, and Louis seemed to have finally noticed that Niall was actually afraid of him, calming down even further and leaned back into Liam’s hold, softening his voice.

Niall relaxed as well, and though he never spoke, he seemed more comfortable with both Liam and Louis, and even let Louis give him a short hug before both boys left.


Niall still didn’t talk a lot, but he was talking. His voice was soft and held a tremor in it, though his Irish accent added a lilt to it that made it seem like he was singing while he talked.

By now Niall was near sleep, his breathing soft and even and his eyes were closed as he relaxed further into me. Pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head, I shifted him to the bed and tucked him under the covers, watching as he woke up slightly and opened his eyes, looking around for a second.

“I’ll be back lovely, yeah?” Niall nodded before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Leaving the room, I closed the door and made my way down to the kitchen, smiling at Cait and Elouise, the cooks. Setting the plate down in the sink, I picked up a rag to wash it off, listening to the girls bustling about behind me, preparing lunch for Mum and Dad and their guests, the royals of Birmingham.

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