Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“Niall!” I laughed as Niall slid around the corner, his soft giggle evident in the air. Using my speed, I sped up and caught him, turning him around and pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose.

It had been five months since Niall had been brought to me from the sales, and since then Niall had grown very comfortable with both me and the castle. He still had nightmares and only recently began to tell me what they were about, so I still didn’t exactly know what happened in Ireland, but I was getting closer to the truth. And the further down I got, the less I liked what I was seeing.

One night I almost had to leave the room because I didn’t want to hurt Niall with how angry I was. I didn’t, too concerned about leaving Niall alone in his fragile state.

Niall gave me a lopsided grin before tucking himself close to my chest, giggling softly as he gripped my shirt lightly. Wrapping my arms around him, I nudged his foot with mine, making him step up onto my own feet, and I walked back to my room like that, with Niall sometime leaning back in an over-dramatic pose before I would pull him up and place a kiss on his temple.

I gently dropped Niall onto my bed once we reached my room; falling down next to him and just staring up at my ceiling. A moment later, I felt Niall tuck himself into my side, his head resting on my shoulder and his light breaths hitting my collarbone.

“Harry?” I moved my head a little to look down at Niall, finding his blue eyes instead of his light blonde hair.

“Yeah lovely?”

“D’ya think you could just listen for a second?” I frowned at him, nodding.

“Of course lovely.”

Niall moved his head back down and I looked up at the ceiling again, before hearing Niall take a deep breath and let it out before starting.

“You’ve been asking about the nightmares…” He trailed off for a moment. “W-when I was five, I was woken up in the middle of the night by guards who were raiding the town homes for people. I never found out why, but my Mum and brother and I were taken.” Brother? “I was sent to the Royal castle, like you guessed, while Mum was sent to the prisons and I think Greg- my brother- was sent to the lesser castle in either Mullingar or Dublin.”

“Five years later Greg and I were pulled from duty to go down to the gallows, where Mum was being held by two guards.” He paused, taking a shaky breath. I brought my arm up to rub his back and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Five minutes later Mum was sat on the wood and the blade was dropped.” Oh no.

Niall sniffled, shifting his body closer to mine. “I spent eight years in that castle, being tortured by the Queen and often punished when I was assigned to do something I couldn’t.” I moved Niall’s body up so that he was lying on top of me, his head on my chest and hair softly ticking my chin.

“I probably gave Dani hell, though.” Niall had told me about Dani, originally Danielle from the Wolverhampton castle. Not too long ago I’d asked Liam about that and turns out Dani was a slave that he supposedly had an affair with- like fuck that was true- but actually was really close with, like a brother-sister relationship. Hell even Louis had been close with her.

I chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. “What do you say to bringing the Queen down from her spot on the totem pole?”

Niall looked up, his brow furrowed in confusion. “You mean bring her down from her throne?”

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