Second Battle of Kashyyyk and Kento Marek's Death

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Vader's POV
I have landed with my shuttle with my army and we are going to hunt for Kento and Mallie Marek...
A StormCaptain approaches:
StormCaptain:"Lord Vader gives us your commands"
Vader:"Captain head south with squadron alfa"
StormCaptain"Yes Lord Vader"
After that I headed on foot behind my troops fighting armies of Wookies but we managed to defeat them not shortly after that I came across an abandoned small Jedi Temple and approaching it I heared footsteps and I was going to turn and turn my lightsaber on so I did Kento evaded my strike and clashed his saber onto mine and I force push him away while telling to him
Vader:"Marek what a pleasure is going to be killing you"
Kento Marek:"Then hit me with your best shot"
I hit him with a few swings and then he threw his saber at me which I reflected and he force pulled it to himself and he clashed me but I hit him and he was almost on the ground he managed to escape my grasp and tried to attack me from the back but I grabbed him by the neck causing his lightsaber to fall from his hand and I said
Vader:"I told you I would end you"
Kento Marek:"Then do it!"
I released him from my hand and swang my saber cutting his head off and after that I killed his wife with a single blow...
After those events I went into the Jedi Temple finding a child I believe it to be their son so I went to him the force was strong in him he took my saber from my hand and turned it on and then I took it from him...
I took the boy with me to train him as my secret apprentice,that one day will be able to help me strike down my Master Sidious...

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