Starkiller's Training and First Mission

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[The events move forward 10 years and the scene transitions to on board the Executor, Darth Vader's personal starship. 

The now grown Starkiller kneels beforeDarth Vader.]

Darth Vader: You were weak when I found you. Now your hatred has become your strength. At last, the Dark Side is your alley. Rise, my apprentice.

 Starkiller: What is your will, my master?

Darth Vader: Your training is nearly complete. It is time to face your first true test.

 Starkiller: Your spies have located a Jedi?

Darth Vader: Yes. Master Rahm Kota. He is attacking a critical Imperial shipyard. You will kill him and bring me his Lightsaber.

Starkiller: As you wish, my master.

Darth Vader: The Emperor must not discover you. Leave no witnesses. Kill everyone aboard, Imperials and Kota's men alike.

 Starkiller: I... As you wish, my master.

[Starkiller departs. The scene shifts to the hangar. Starkiller walks in and is suddenly ambushed by Obi-Wan Kenobi. They engage and Starkiller stabs him through the chest. The form of Kenobi fades to reveal a droid.]

Proxy: Ah, master! Another excellent duel!

Starkiller: You caught me by surprise, Proxy. I haven't fought that training program in years. I thought you'd erased it

Proxy: I hoped that using an older training module would catch you off guard and allow me to finally kill you. I'm sorry I failed you again.

Starkiller: I'm sure you'll keep trying. But do me a favor, don't ambush me--

[They walk through the hangar together, where Starkiller catches a glimpse of a female Imperial.]

Starkiller: Proxy!

Proxy: Yes, why are we whispering?

Starkiller: Who is that?

Proxy: Ah, yes. Your new pilot has finally arrived, master. Accessing Imperial Records...

[Proxy uses his ability to mimic the full appearance of the female Imperial,down to the voice.]

Proxy (as Juno): Captain Juno Eclipse. Born on Corulag, where she became the youngest student ever accepted into the Imperial Academy. Decorated combat pilot with over one hundred combat missions and commanding officer during the bombing of Callog. Handpicked by Lord Vader to lead his Black Five Squadron,but later reassigned to a top-secret project...

Juno: Is there a psychological profile in there too?

[Proxy changes back.

Proxy: Actually yes. And it's restricted. But Master, I can tell you she'll be impossible to reprogram.

 Starkiller: Do you know why you're here?Juno: My orders are clear. I am to keep your ship running and fly you wherever your missions require.

 Starkiller: Did Vader tell you that he killed our last pilot?

Juno: No. But I can only assume that he gave Lord Vader good cause to do so. I will not.

 Starkiller: Let's hope so. I'm sick of training new pilots.

[They board the Rogue Shadow.]

Starkiller: What is this? What have you done to my ship?

Juno: I've taken the liberty of upgrading the Rogue Shadow's sensor array. Now you'll be able to spy on any suspect ships across an entire system that *is*your mission profile? You *are* one of Darth Vader's spies?

Starkiller: You don't need to know anything about my missions except where I'm going. Now we need a jump to Nar Shaddaa. Can you handle that?

Juno: Of course

(Juno and Starkiller)

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(Juno and Starkiller)

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