TIE Fighter Factory

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  Mission One - TIE Fighter Factory 

[The Rogue Shadow leaves the Executor the scene shifts to the cockpit.] 

Starkiller: Proxy, give me the target. [Proxy assumes a new form of an elder looking man.] Proxy (as Kota): According to Imperial records, Master Rahm Kota was a respected general in the Clone Wars.

 Juno: You're hunting Jedi. Starkiller: I bring Darth Vader's enemies to justice. And now, so do you.

 Proxy: Master Kota was a military genius, but felt the clone soldiers were unfit for battle. Instead, he relied on his own militia.

 Juno: So there were no clones in his squad when Order 66 was issued. Proxy: And after Order 66, he vanished. Official Imperial records actually claim he's dead. 

Juno: Why come out of hiding and attack the Empire now? Starkiller: He wants to be found. Juno: Then we are walking into a trap. How many pilots have you lost before me? Starkiller: Seven. 

Juno: Excellent. The coordinates for Nar Shaddaa are locked. Prepare for lightspeed.

 [The scene shifts to inside the facility. General Kota and his men are just taking over the factory.]

 Kota: Lock down the command center and get that hologram projector up and running. Militia: Yes, sir! Kota: Tell all squads to fan out and funnel any opposition toward us. Explosive charges on levels two, five, and ten, just like we planned.

 Militia: General Kota, he's here! [They see an image of the Rogue Shadow.] 

Kota: I've finally drawn you out of hiding... Lower the containment field on hangar twelve and tell the men to get into position. Militia: Yes, general. 

[The Rogue Shadow closes in on the facility. Starkiller drops into a hallway.]

 Juno: Eclipse to Starkiller. I'll be moving the Rogue Shadow out of firing range while you attend to your mission. The onboard scanners should be able to track your movements, and I will provide whatever intelligence support I can via your commlink. Captain Eclipse out.

 [The mission begins. Starkiller proceeds down the first hallway and into the hangar where the Imperials and Kota's militia are duking it out.]

 Militia: Secure the bulkhead door! Juno: Readouts are showing the hangar bulkhead has been sealed. You'll need to find a way through that door. 

[After some fighting, Starkiller opens that door.]

 Juno: Eclipse to Starkiller. I've sliced into the facility's communications grid. Imperial reports indicate General Kota has already taken over the command bridge, several floors above you. I'll do my best to guide you to him. 

[Starkiller approaches the door to a large area.] 

Juno: Eclipse to Starkiller. I've intercepted a message from the flight tower. The Imperials have mobilized a TIE Fighter squadron in your sector. Keep your eyes open.

 [Starkiller enters a tower.]

 Juno: Schematics show a lift nearby that can take you to the upper levels

. [Starkiller crosses to the other side of the area and approaches the exit.]

 Juno: I'm picking up a lot of commlink chatter just a few levels above you. You're nearing General Kota. 

[Starkiller enters a circular shaped room where an ambush awaits.] Militia: He's here! Raise the laser gates! Juno: I'm picking up a major energy surge! There must be a generator close to your location. Destroy it, and those laser gates should drop.

 [Starkiller approaches a final lift.] 

Juno: This is it, Kota is just above you now. Starkiller: I'm ready. 

[Starkiller enters the bridge. Kota is waiting.] 

Kota: A boy? Months of attacking Imperial targets, and Vader sends a boy to fight me? 

[The fight begins.]

 Kota: You're stronger than I thought. But I can't let you live, boy. I'll be sure to send your ashes back to Vader. [Kota uses the Force to detach the top part of the facility, sending it plummeting toward the nearby planet. 

The fight resumes and then soon enough, ends. Starkiller and Kota have their Sabers locked, with Kota, visibly weakened.]

 Kota: Vader thinks he's turned you... But I can sense your future... And Vader won't always be your master... I sense only... Me? 

[With their blades still locked, Starkiller presses Kota's own Saber into his eyes.] 

Kota: AAAGH! [Kota falls down the hole created in the floor, falling thousands of feet. Starkiller grabs Kota's saber and also jumps down, but the Rogue Shadow drifts underneath to catch him.]

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(Galen Marek vs Rahm Kota at the Tie Fighter Factory)

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