My name is Desmond, Desmond Aidiar. I am now 12 years old that means that I am old enough for a Chubbymon license, I am on my way to the ChubbyHall now. I still can't decide on which Chubbymon I will chose, Bazki, Torch, or Logging. I pull up to the curb on my bike and lock it onto a nearby rack, I see a few other bikes leaned up against it they probably were in a rush to get their Chubbymon. I walk inside and I see a few registration desks lined up with a bunch of kids my age. As I walk in line I see a familiar face, it's Blake! She was almost at the front of the line. I should probably explain who she is huh? Blake and I have been friends since 3rd grade, and we both have adored Chubbymon! I see her waving a hand to me and I wave back. " What chubbymon are you gonna get?" She mouthed over to me. I shrugged back at her I could tell that she was disappointed I hadn't chose yet. "What about you?" I mouthed back to her. She then took a small notebook out of her red book bag she carries around. She drew a little scribble on the paper and turned it back to me. I couldn't quite make it out but it looked like a Bazki! It was November 24th that day we had a day off from school I wore a dark blue sweatshirt with a chubbyball printed on the back. In my red backpack I brought a Chubbydex that I bought a few weeks before my birthday, I pulled it out and started messing with it. A few moments later a door then opened in front of the line that I was in and a man walked signaling for 5 people to come in all at once. Blake walked in with the rest of the four and smiled at me as she went in. I went back to playing with the Chubbydex.
AdventureChubbymon is not a copy of pokemon It is a coincidental look-alike!