Chapter 2 - Blake

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I set my alarm clock to wake me up earlier then usual so I could get ready faster. You might be thinking I am going to a new school but no, I am gonna get a Chubbymon license! Oh yeah, my name is Blake Gisala I am currently 12 years old meaning that I am finally able to own Chubbymon and to catch some in the wild. I quickly grab my Book bag and run out with a waffle in my hand. I quickly run to the Chubbyhall hoping to be early enough to get a good spot in line. When I got there I saw a bike rack with some bikes leaned up against it, I wasn't the only one here. I recognize that bike from anywhere it was Shawn Fletchington's oh how I hate him so. Shawn is known for his good looks and his " way with the ladies " or so he says. I knew he would be In there being the big center of attention that he was. I always hated how a bunch of girls from my class at school would find him " gorgeous " or something. Why did I not wanna go In there? Oh because if I went there he would be all over me being what he calls romantic! Ugh, Shawn is always ruining things for me... But not this! I will get a Chubbymon today if it's the last thing I I walk in there and quickly put my head down in case he sees me. I walk up to a short line and pull my Chubbydex from my Bag and try to figure out how it works. After a couple minutes the line I'm in starts to get longer and I notice a familiar face and thank the heavens it's not Shawn it's Desmond! Desmond has been my friend since the 3rd grade and we both have a liking for chubbymon. I turn around and wave to him, he then waves back. I tell him that I am gonna get a Bazki and he says he doesn't know what he wants. I was mad that he didn't chose one yet even though he told me last weak he was gonna decide on one last weekend. I then walk In and a tall black haired man has me take a picture for my license so I get everything over with and I walk out the back filled with excitement for my Chubbymon journey to begin when I suddenly change moods because a certain person leaning up against a wall waiting for  me      

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