Chapter 12

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Maggie's pov

@xblackhumansx : Matt, finalmente il mio sogno si è realizzato. Oggi andrò a registrare la mia prima canzone.

@matthewespinosa : Sei seria? Cioè io sto messaggiando con una specie di modella, una cantante e io sono qui sul divano sommerso da patatine e mi deprimo. Spiegami il perché.

@xblackhumansx : Uno, non sono una modella. Due, tanto meno una cantante. Tre, alzati ed esci a camminare. Quattro, non deprimerti.

@matthewespinosa : Mh ok. Solo sto morendo dalla voglia di vederti.


Due settimane dopo.

Oggi finalmente esce il video.

La canzone si chiama Things.

È bellissima e oggi per l'occasione la canterò a un programma nuovo.

Ora sto parlando con la conduttrice.

"E ora, basta parlare. Fate un bell'applauso a Maggie, e al suo nuovo singolo, Things." dice la signora.

'You wake me with kisses
You make my hair a mess
I'm not wearing makeup
You say I look my best
You got that realness
You're so beautiful

Never wanna leave this bed
Gotta get it off my chest

It's the little things you do that make me want you
And the not so little things that make me need you
Just one look and I'm dropping jaws
Just one touch and I'm slammin' doors
'cause it's the little things you do that make me love you

Little things
Little things
Little things, and the not so little things

You're no beginner
I like my men that way
You make me feel safer with every word you say
You give me the whole world
I opened up to you

Never wanna leave this bed
Gotta get it off my chest

It's the little things you do that make me want you
And the not so little things that make me need you
Just one look and I'm dropping jaws
Just one touch and I'm slammin' doors
'cause it's the little things you do that make me love you

Keep on doin' what you're doing
Please don't ever stop
I'll keep doin' what I'm doin'
Put my love on top

It's the little things you do that make me want you
And the not so little things that make me need you
Just one look and I'm dropping jaws
Just one touch and I'm slammin' doors
'cause it's the little things you do that make me love you

Little things
Little things
Little things, and the not so little things'

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