chapter sixteen: first birthday

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Amelias birthday.....

today was the day amelia turned one.a few weeks ago alice who's is my doctor confirmed that we were gonna have a baby.everyday bam was buying boy stuff so if he's right he'll have to take it back and buy girlie stuff.but we both have a feeling that we're having a boy and I hope so that we do.the party was going on really fine.bam had to leave to go get the cake,amelia was sitting and talking in baby language with her cousin and sarah.jasmine,mom,steve,and luke came down for the party a few days ago and would be leaving in a few days and jasmine and I haven't been getting along.nobody knows about the pregnancy but I was hoping to tell them tonight.

"lisa sarah has gotten so big how long has it been since last saw her?? a month?", I asked as we sat at the table

"I know and mel as well she's looks so much like you", she said

"everyone keeps saying that", I laughed

"well its true,..where's bam I haven't seen him around?", she asked

"he went to go pick up the cake", I said

"oh what kind of cake is it?", she asked

"half chocalate half vanilla"

"oh that's sounds cool"

then his car was pulled up."look who's here", I said then she turned


"round everyone up to the table", I said as I stood and walked to bam as he was getting the cake out."hey", I said as I kissed his cheek

"hey well here it is", he said while lefting the cake up

I had no idea what to expect because first he designed it on the computer then took it to the bakery and he wouldn't let me see the design.the cake was a heartagram with a picture of mel in the was purple and black,it had a number one candle right above the was perfect because it went with the theme of the party which was purple and black heartagrams.

"it looks perfect", I said

"I know because I designed it", he said with a smile

"take it to her table I'm gonna go get a lighter", I said


I went inside the house and into the kitchen after I looked through all the drawers I got a lighter and my camera.i went back outside to where everyone is gathered.once I was there we started to sing happy birthday to her as I was taking pictures and bam was lighting the candle.then she sneezed which put it out.jam cut the cake and handed a piece to everyone and johnny wanted to feed mel it and we let him and I just started taking pictures of everything and everyone.then we started cleaning up after an hour.

"bam I think we should tell them after we put mel down", I said as we were sitting on the ramp

"really?", he asked

"yeah,I mean when I was pregnant with amelia everyone found on tv and the radio.I think they should know by our mouths", I said

"yeah your right"

"so after she's asleep", I asked

"yeah we'll tell them but until then"

he unexpected picked me up and put me on his shoulder and started to walk towards the pool.

"bam put me down!", I screeched which got everyones attention and I saw that lisa was recording this

"no", he laughed

"oh so y'all not going to help!?!"

"they know if they help my victims that I prank they'll just going to get pranked 10x worst", he informed


then I was thrown in the pool and I was so happy that the water wasn't cold.I sunk down for a second then I floated to the surface.and saw that he was laughing.

"bam what is wrong with you!?!"

"nothing just felt like getting wet", he then he jumped in

"damn, bam that was so cold", novak said as I swamed to the edge and sat down to where he was standing.

"come see how it feels like", I said then pushed him in

"hahaha", he laughed

"I'm getting out", I growled

"love you!", he called

"fuck you!!", I said while flipping him off

"babe", he called

"man you pissed her off probably", novak said

"love you too"

I went inside the house and to my room.I dried off my body and my hair.I changed my clothes also.I looked outside and saw it was getting dark.I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:10pm.way passed amelias bed time.I went outside with a couple of towels and saw the steve o had her.

"hey steveo its time for her to go to sleep", I said

"ah man, you go", he said as he handed me mel

"can you give these to bam and novak and tell bam to get evryone in the house", I asked as I gave him the towels

"yeah", he said

I took amelia upstairs to her room as I changed her clothes and diaper she started doozing off.I layed her down but before I tucked her in I went to the kitchen and got her a bottle of juice.and saw that everyone was in the living room.

"give me one second", I said then went back up the stairs

"being a mother has it advantages", lisa said

as I was going up the stairs I realized luke took sarah home.I put the bottle next mel and lightly tucked her in.I turned the monitor on and closed the door.I went back downstair bam held his hand out I took it and stood next to him.

"okay,um,we thought it would be best to tell you all together", I said

"what what's going on?", my mom asked

"we're getting a divorce", he said

"what", they said in unison and I looked at him confused

"I'm kidding", he laughed

"bam that wasn't funny", I said

"I just wanted to see y'alls faces they were priceless", he laughed

"anyways what we wanted to say was that...I'm pregnant again"

"are you serious?", april said excitedly

"yes", he said

"I knew it", lisa exclaimed

"how?", I asked

"dude,you had like three peices of cake...big peices", she laughed

"that's actrully true I noticed that too", johnny said

"see we notice everything", lisa said as her johnny high fived eachother

"but look at this.bam bam isn't even 27 and having another kid", dunn said

"its not fucking fair!!!", jasmine said then stormed out

"what wrong with her?", he asked

"I don't know I'm gonna go find out", I said

"bella I'm gonna go with you...because y'all two haven't been getting along lately", she said


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